
What’s wrong with pesto?

OK, now, somebody needs to make a charging station actually shaped like a narwhal tusk. (As for naming the stations “Narwhal Tusk,” hey, stranger names have been used in the heyday of mom’n’pop independents and regional chains... )

So basically the iM (the new Matrix) has more space, better mileage, can be had with a stick, and is cheaper, but this will likely outsell it because taller wheels.

Crashing at a cars and coffee near you!

RWS = rear wheel steering, not rear wheel drive.

No, I am not willing to give up donuts.

So, “Zero to sixty in 1.2 seconds. (off a carrier)“

Maybe if we’re lucky, David will do the math on this one too and find out for us

Spend a few hours removing and re-installing a glass door, or lose a project car? Easy decision to make.

Why can’t we have both?

“I’d say...”

Don’t worry, I’m sure once he pays back that $168 dollars that he borrowed from that cop all charges will be dropped.

If they wanted the grill that tall they should have used the narrow grill of yore and put some thought into what went to the sides of it.

Sometime a while back it started showing up in every video. An Easter egg, like in Jeeps.

A slightly tuned 2.3 EB would be just fine. It won’t get the 3.5 that’s for sure.

By my math? 14 months, 17 days and 9 minutes.

Comments on YT are quick to point out different paint colors of the cars too. I have a feeling that is what could have happened instead of what actually happened - but he is milking it with a “to be continued” video.

I’m guessing Canada

Who the hell is going to “lunch” at 9:30 am?!

This I didn’t know! They must love a lot that 50 years old car at Disney, to keep them in such a beautiful condition! And sure they must make their own spare parts too!