
I think more of a partial restore, but certainly a gutted and re-done interior. If the car was as nicely finished as Chris says it was, and no water was actually sucked into the pistons, the engine may certainly be okay without a rebuild. There are no computers in the car, the wiring is very simple and even after

Another easy one!

He googles “Captain Walker” to see if there is a resemblance.

I’ve been sorta following this case for years, decades actually. It’s one of the reasons I won’t buy a Nissan car. It also seems to me that Nissan did offer outrageous amounts of money to Mr. Nissan, and he kept refusing. They finally asked him to name his own price, and he gave a figure of something like $750M. He

Lmao. This is what Nissan gets for putting awful CVTs in everything.

It’s weird that it’d have such a big nose. Why the overhang? It looks even bigger than the previous’s, and it’s not like they need to fit as much in there than in gas-powered car?

I think you forgot one....

Drunk level: 1000

Now playing

Who’s a dumb ass? That guy and this ^ guy.

This is the proper way to drunk correctly.

lmao... go forth my steed! to the brewery!

Boy this would raise some interesting legal questions here. Could you technically get a DUI if you are standing on your car’s roof and it is driving itself.

I don’t necessarily use GPS for directions, I use it as a map 9 times out of 10. I like to see where I am and get an idea of where I’m going, but don’t really like to have it tell me what to do. I just think of it as a slightly smarter map with a “you are here” pointer.

I fully admit I’m stealing one of the oldest GPS jokes:

Like this?

On the surface, 100% correct. However you’re forgetting the donut ham hamburger. Hopefully Jim Gaffigan is getting some royalties on that.

Cover up the back windows with padded black vinyl, add chrome landau bars and coach lamps.

Hey, they know what they have - no low ballers or tire kickers. Because kicking the tires will result in splashing water.

Yeah my take is the owner of the dealership bought it and is probably daily driving it, with the intention to send it back to auction and write any loss off against his business profits reducing his tax bill. Sure maybe someone will buy it, but if not he’s getting to drive a Bently for a period of time without it