Benni Joh

Oh yes. I saw that movie first when I was 12, and it's been my favorite since. I bought the blu-ray as soon as it came out, and have watched it twice since (I tend to savor the feeling of watching my favorite movies, so I let a bit of time pass between viewings), and every single time I see that ending, I get chills.

Hells to the yeah! (sorry for not writing in a manner befitting these forums, but enthusiasm got the better of me)

Or that Hz level they used in Irreversible, the one that causes nausea. They used that under the beginning of the movie, causing several patrons to leave early when the film was in theaters. That, or the 10 minute rape scene maybe.

Completely agree. I had a very strong emotional reaction a few times in the film, and I'd second the notion that the mix had a strong hand in that.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the mix, too often there's an over emphasis on dialogue in sound mixes. My favorite movie of all time 'The last of the mohicans' has an incredible 10 minute ending, and the score in the scene is outstanding. But it's mixed way too low in order to pack the punch that it otherwise