
Oh man do I want your words to be true. I truly, truly do. The thing I’ve learned with German car ownership is even with regular maintenance, and staying on top of problems so they don’t become bigger issues, is every one is like playing Russian Roulette. Not with a lethal round, but like... maybe a paintball? It

Digging back into oddly useless knowledge I somehow remember, similar has happened before. New Rome, Ohio:

Interesting. I just read this morning it used to be serviced at Tonka Bay Marine. Don’t know if that’s true but that same marina declined to store the refurbished Minnehaha steam liner and is why that’s been out of service since 2019. I don’t know if it’s an equipment issue or it’s just too much of a pain.

10 years would be close to the minimum for a slip on the eastern part of Lake Minnetonka. No new slips are allowed per DNR regulations. They also cracked down on property owners renting out dock space so it’s gotten even tighter as popularity has increased. I’ve been going to this lake for 40 years and it’s crazy how

I’ve been doing similar and finding much the same. Rust is a big warning sign, no Porsche should have body rust unless it was repaired poorly.

I hardly call a limited run of 100 lease only vehicles at a cost of over $100K restricted to specific conditions “commercially available” but it sort of, kind of exists if you squint really hard and ignore what L3 actually means. Partial credit.

While agree with your approach there is no question of if we will have even L4 by 2026 - No we will not. We are not close, and never have been. Full autonomy is a fantasy under current conditions. It MAY be possible with a mostly rethought infrastructure, incredible computational advancement (we largely have the

Same situation with my wife. She bought her first Miata after we started dating. I had 2 cars at the time and it just never occurred to her one person can own more than 1 car :)

I heard similar but didn’t buy the shavings made it work better. Then I heard it’s the process of flushing the fluid. It’s a critical step and if not done properly means you just loosened all the built up gunk and shavings which are now all over the transmission with it’s new fluid. Nearly all transmissions have

55HP with an outboard is going to be way quicker than 100HP water jet like this. You get a lot more forward thrust with an open prop than with a jet. Think of this more like a motorcycle, small displacement with a high redline, but little torque. It’s still going to be fun but a prop will get you moving much quicker

Lifelong boater here with experience in every drive configuration multiple times over, including sailing (former coach), and windsurfing. I even have a slip on the lake in this article, Minnetonka.

You can blame BMW for that. Seriously, on one of several visits to BMW’s Spartanburg plant for work I finally heard the explanation behind the naming convention. As most know it used to be the models last 2 digits were the displacement in liters, 328 was 2.8L for example. Now it’s the “assumed” displacement, as in

Funny but my personal choice is my ‘18 Tacoma TRD Sport. It’s not for offroad use, the most of that it will ever see are mountain bike trailheads in the Midwest and maybe some “rough” cabin roads. I didn’t want a manual despite buying new as it’s specifically to soak up highway miles and occasionally tow. I have no

I almost wonder if they made the Silverado so ugly so many buying for themselves, instead of for a business/fleet, would want to upgrade to the more expensive GMC Sierra. The ugly face on the Camaro points to this not being true...

Completely biased opinion but as soon as I read the headline I have to agree with you’re pick of the Carrera/911. I have a 99 996 base 911 I’ve owned for 11 years and love. It’s not the fastest and you can get minivans with more HP (296) but it’s so usable and easy to drive. I’ve resisted replacing the base single CD r

Completely agree, and I would argue a car/boat combo is technically easier than a plane/car combo yet every year we get ‘flying cars are x years away!’. No they aren’t.

Team Associated RC10, that hit me in the feels! Had one when I was 10 and LOVED it. I ran the crap out of it with different bodies, motors and pinions, batteries, changed tires for different terrain, even some (bad) racing (the racing was fine I was just 10 and clueless).

Driving isn’t going anywhere. We are closer to 8-9% along the way to L5 full autonomous driving. That’s not a typo and for those about to furiously type that we have things like Super Cruise I will explain. Automation is an area I have a lot of experience in and I can tell you it’s relatively easy and well understood

I couldn’t agree more. I’ve worked in automation for nearly 20 years and Level 5 is laughably far off. It’s the flying car of the 50's/60's/70's/80's/90's/00's/10's/20's - always “just 5 years away”. No it isn’t. But there’s always the perpetual (and incredibly uneducated on the subject) optimists.

I just saw one in person last week and I couldn’t agree more this needs to be seen in person. It was dusk and drizzling and the shape was quite striking with very elegant lighting all around. It rolled passed us while walking the dogs and both me and my fiance stopped our conversation to look. I’m not typically a VW