
This might rile some but rare does not equal automatically valuable. A car with low production, desireability, long lineage, racing heritage, aged well, etc. will pull many rare vehicle values up but it is FAR from guaranteed. This is like buying a 10 year old computer.

Came here to say this. But I also recognize they are in a tricky position. If the manufacturer advertises a price drop every dealer has to honor it. I’m sure you can get much more than that off if you were really interested. What really cooked Jeep was expecting a large percentage of a rather loyal customer base to

I have no problem with anyone that wants to pour billions of other people’s money into a problem they are very unlikely to solve, so develop away. I have a giant problem with doing that on public roads with unwilling participants - EVEYONE ON AND AROUND THE ROAD.

I had a 2007 Treg with the V10. I miss everything about that car other than the repair bills. So much fun to dust just about anything to 30 MPH. 553 torq-o’s really gets a mid-size SUV going off the line. The air suspension was wonderful and could lift the body 2.5". It made for super smooth highway cruising. The

Agree if you live anywhere other than the snowbelt. Getting stuck on someone’s DRIVEWAY in the winter is lots of fun. Still, getting a good set of snow tires will make more of a difference than AWD with all seasons by a large margin. 

I’ve been saying for years Musk is just Trump with a different education. Did not see them teaming up as I figured the Muskrat was too ‘silicone valley’. Wow, was I wrong.

I work in automation and have sold and been around robots for 20 years. You only see fluid motion with very carefully programmed, dedicated robots with wrote sequences - theme park rides, animatronics, etc. It takes countless hours to make robotic motion look organic. It’s not an optimal way to move so the program has

Never. Going. To. Happen. Not sure how much longer this charade can go on, but I bet they open pre-orders soon...

I’m really curious where these are $4k in that shape. These were disposable cars and this one has been somewhat preserved. It has to be to have that kind of mileage. A vast majority have already been scrapped so the survivors are getting good money in good condition. Even the beaters are getting decent money. I’ve

Methinks you’re reaching for BTFU, good sir.

Even when it’s a conspiracy, somehow it always turns out the source of their probems is lihbruhls. It’s weird isn’t it.

It truly is every industry either VC or PE touches, with a slight nod to publicly traded companies, and it seems to be getting worse. It becomes about money for this quarter and this quarter only with little long term planning, all other concerns be damned. Oh and next quarter do it again. It’s such a stupid way to

Dead 12V battery AND a borked window?

This. I had a Touareg with air suspension and it was wonderful. Comfort mode for cruising and adjustable on the fly, it was fantastic. More expensive? Oh yeah, but so so worth it.

It took me years to figure it out but Tesla’s are the enthusiast vehicle for people that hate cars/ICE cars. I’ve driven a few Tesla’s for short trips and while the acceleration is impressive, that’s it’s only trick. It’s nothing but gimmicks inside. Wow, the car can “see” objects. That’s called an HMI and has been in

Came here to say this. Is this one of those buy-one-car-get-two schemes with an Outlander thrown in? Even the Raptor R is $111k.

300K on an S2000? That’s so awesome. I’m glad people preserve vehicles but I drive my cars. Clearly your family thinks the same :)

ANY Lexus. They are a plague! It’s every blue hair that knows zero about cars but somehow got the message Toyota = reliability and just found out Lexus is Toyota’s upper line. Now they want to treat themselves to a “nice car” before shuffling off this mortal coil.

It really depends on where you’re going and time of year. It’s saved me countless hours in March during spring break. Yes, you can still get ass-hats that apparently don’t know what an airport is and are completely befuddled by the simple process, but in general people know what they are doing.

For me this is it. The blob generation of the mid to late 90's has aged the worst. This wasn’t that long ago and you never see any of these (aesthetic abominations) on the road. I suspect due to owners getting tired of looking at them and dumping at the first major repair. Some weren’t bad cars for the time, but one