
Agreed that looks like the right kit. The bad news is the stock airbox is not a limiting factor for power in these engines so provides no performance gain. They build them because people will buy them but actual dyno testing shows no gain, and many times a (very) slight loss. Porsche does a good job of making sure

Admitted bias since I own one but NP with the work done and documented.

Came here to post this, but alas, I was too slow. Still leaving satisfied.

Steve Jobs pushed the idea that the consumer has no idea what they want. He was a raging turd bucket of a human being in person (from what I’ve read), but he was right about that and got rich by doing what others wouldn’t

This. I was once considering a c class and the option looked cool online, or so I thought. Then I saw one in the wild and just... No. I think it’s too bright. Maybe it would work if it wasn’t so glowy and IN YOUR FACE! I think there’s a reason this is only an option on the lower end MB models.

I fly almost every month and United is by far the worst. Their customer service is nothing short of atrocious. It’s not the people, I feel sorry for them, it’s their policies. Any airline has the capability to be terrible and they are at the mercy of weather and ATC, but how they handle these situations is worse

I don’t think this ‘pedestrian detection technology’ is new at all. Surely it’s been on Mustangs for years, they just now figured out how to reverse the polarity so it avoids pedestrians instead of aiming for them.

Looks like we are in the minority but I agree with you. I like the new Tacoma, quite a bit actually. It stands out more than the old one in a way I like. I don’t think it’s going to age particularly well, however. That’s the same way I feel about this new Si. I like it now, but I just can’t see it as a future

I’ve read from several articles the car companies have done all the obvious tech they can to stretch mileage. Now it’s down to piddly things like engine stop start, low rolling resistance tires, stuff that doesn’t move the needle much. Look at average car weights over the last 30 years. You want to increase

This deserves way more stars.

I park my Camero next to Duelly truck. They both go faster because duel exhaust bro!

I’ve started taking a page out of Doug Demuro’s book.: whatever they say, just say “yes that’s a good car, you should get it.” It really doesn’t matter anyway.

This... Makes my head hurt. It’s like a platypus, I know it’s real but it just doesn’t seem right.

Sorry, Kinja Noob

This car has clear corners which are leagues better than the original amber. With the amber the car looks extremely dated (top pick is Boxster but same front end and all):

I am in perhaps an odd position in that I’ve owned and driven both vehicles. I had an Escape of that vintage as a company car back in 2005-2006 and currently have a ‘99 996. I see what you’re saying but I can assure you they don’t look similar in person. I’m not going to pretend the 996 has the greatest interior,

So to a Spanish person this is the Goat Herder That Doesn’t Move

I truly cringed the first time I saw CBC and thought, they can’t possibly keep this going. Now I think a bit differently. I think it’s a deliberate jab at SIARPXC. It’s terrible and they admit it - remember when Hammond said something along the lines of ‘it doesn’t get better, does it?’ and they all admitted it was

No, no, it’s a Faux-rarri. Perfectly legit!

I think you’re on to something. No one thinks of any Toyota as exciting. Hell, they make a killing precisely because their cars are appliances for the road. Buy it and forget for 200,000+ miles. There’s very little maintenance and repairs are rare. Even non car people know that.