
I'm always thrown off when AVC has the most positive review for a movie. It also makes me question the middling ones

Looking forward to Caroline Siede's binge review of this series

I thought youtube has always existed?

Nice job, Caroline! I haven't binged a show in one weekend since Jessica Jones, but I know how hard it can be to watch it all at such a fast pace, let alone write an insightful, funny, and eloquent analysis of each episode as you go. Now go get some rest

A part of me was worried that the AVC would choose a different writer for these. Should've known better. There's no replacing the Siede. Good to have your binge reviews back, Caroline!

Give Me Novicaine is. I know I'm late

Strange. I seem to remember AV club giving FOB's latest album a respectable score. It's almost like they choose to hate stuff to conveniently fit with the article's level of sarcasm

lol I was just thinking that

This is funny, but you're ignoring the fact that without "part 3" stages we wouldn't have Captain America: Civil War or Deadpool for that matter

While I am one of the many who disagree with Caroline's definition of optimism, she still has my favorite writing style out of all the AV Club staff and it shows in this article. I agreed with a few of her points. "It’s a given that a zombie apocalypse would be bad. It’s jarring to suggest a society could be worse."

In addition to the punching gloves she also teaches squatting. Apparently.

It got the same grade as the last two episodes of Daredevil, and those weren't half bad. Maybe I'll go see it after all.

Watching Mad Max Fury Road in IMAX 3D felt like a rated R Universal Studios ride in all the best ways. Gotta agree with Molly Eichel here. Caroline Siede's anecdote also made me smile. I didn't note the writer at first, but a few sentences in I thought, "this sound like my favorite AV Club reviewer!" sure enough.

well said

Caroline Siede is the reviewer! You should read her's. Not only is she a talented reviewer, but she's frequently funny

Hey guys, I just wanted to say that in a way I'm glad that this review was atrocious, because if it were actually good we wouldn't get to have so much fun criticizing it

If you had gotten here minutes after this review was posted, you'd be top comment. 10/10 would upvote again

Before Sava reviewed it, there was a lovely series of binge reviews. I can't remember the reviewer's name off hand, but she was very fair and level headed. I think she gave this episode a B.

My favorite thing about this thread is the fact that you're not arguing whether or not Sava's observations are dumb, you're arguing for WHY theyre dumb. I love it actually, and I approve.

Well you have to choose whether you're on team Sava or team Bill O'Reilly. There is no middle ground, unfortunately