I’m from the Midwest and I’ve never heard “warsh”. Your grandparents were weird.
Yeah, get yourself a Ditto so you don’t have to worry about Egg Groups. Ditto is a whore that will breed with anything that is possible to breed (which legendaries are not).
It’s like fishing. Catch and release.
You missed a good one for FFI: Patch to fix your characters missing if the enemy they targeted is already dead by having them target a new enemy instead.
Man, what a drag.
The first FF I’ve enjoyed since XII, which was released a decade ago.
Department of the Interior.
Sapper: That’s a nice pipeline ya got there. Be a shame if something happened to it.
If you’d posted the picture without identifying the car, I’d never have guessed Nissan. I’d say 90s Alfa.
It would be more like a century or two. The Middle East is a clusterfuck.
And their terrible history at Le Mans.
I believe in Harvey Dent.
So, in the laziest form of research ever, I simply Googled the name of the products, followed by “Material Safety Data Sheet,” and to my surprise, that data is readily available. In fact, most any website that sells any automotive fluid will include the SDS near the product description.
What is the deal with people putting 15 emojis at the end of their posts?
Yeah, I care about this guy surviving as much as he cared about endangering other motorists.
If wages don’t rise with inflation, why should taxes?
Looks like something I whipped up in Forza in about 5 minutes.
Might be inboard.