Admittedly, my personal experience is in dealing with being a gun owner in Illinois, which is apparently much more strict than the norm.
Admittedly, my personal experience is in dealing with being a gun owner in Illinois, which is apparently much more strict than the norm.
Gotta love red light runners.
You do have to wait for the shop to run a background check, actually.
I really hope you sued her for your medical bills.
I don’t care. I still love the little psycho.
“No need to thank me, citizens! All in a days work for Florida Man!
That’s kind of the equivalent of saying a woman wants to get assaulted because she was “asking for it” by wearing revealing clothing.
I burst out laughing the first time I ran into these clowns in the demo and it hasn’t gotten any less funny every time they show up in my game. I just can’t take these guys seriously.
Fair enough.
Dear god, why would you have an Adamant Kadabra?
Yes. You’re better off just breeding for a shiny instead of spending hours trying to SR for one.
RNGesus giveth and RNGesus taketh away.
With an SN like that, surely you remember the glitchfest that was the NES.
Knahves und stahbbing weapons.
Same here. Making Alola great again one battle at a time.
I named my Yungoos Donald Trump as well. He’s still in my party. No regrets.
You’re welcome!
Most people assume it’s referring to our pasty skin color being the same as the food (I’ve heard saltine used as a slur before as well), but it goes deeper than that. It works on a couple levels. As racial slurs go, it’s a pretty ingenious one.
What sound does a whip make when you swing it at a slave?
That happened to me in Y. Got female Fennekin on the first try. First time I’d ever gotten one on the first try since the original Sapphire.