Ben Lowsen

Ok, so we're taking it back to 19th century "scientific" criticism. Look back 30 years in popular culture and you may see more dissenting voices. The biggest dissenters today are those the elite have identified as "marginalized" who disagree with the elite. Thomas Sowell, for example.

"the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races." There you go.

Shame on Rife for making up the "objective critic." It is a contradiction in terms that a person writing opinion can be objective and she offers no proof that any critic ever claimed to be objective. And shame on anyone who dislikes a movie simply because of the race or sexual orientation it portrays most prominently

Is this just the reviewers way of saying she didn't like Wonder Woman? Why not just say that, for goodness sake? You can qualify that with the idea that empowers women if you like, but to hold back your opinion because you're afraid it's politically incorrect? Where is your spine?! Is your writing your own opinion or

Thank you. I hadn't considered those powerful arguments about my whiteness and my shitty Naziness. Please accept my deepest apologies for calling on people to be decent to each other.

I wonder if the screamers expect others to respect them when they speak.