ben loves his new "real" SUV

This is the most disgusting abuse of a flag that I see regularly in the Olympics. Draping the flag (a real flag, not a red,white and blue image) on gross, sweaty shoulders is profoundly disrespectful and needs to stop.”

But how do I show the police they are worth more than the average citizen if I don't desecrate the flag?

It seems that at this point some people would rather default to being butthurt than do any critical thinking or research. I wonder how many of the people who thought this might be a slight against America or the flag own apparel or bumper stickers that DO in fact infract upon the flag code?

I mostly come to Jalopnik for the comment section anyway. I just read what people have to say on the original article and then skip the AOTD slideshow

to be fair, waffle house is *really* good.

It’s always like that, the victim’s face and identity is always fair game, but god forbid you “ruin the lives” of the perpetrators. It’s sickening.

I am a fat guy who has ridden thousands of miles on scooters. I look like a circus bear on a tricycle. As such, I have never been embarrassed by a vehicle, no matter how crappy or lame it was.

To be fair, I, and judging by the amount of comments in the slideshows, will look at this article and completely skip the follow up.

I do wish the slideshows would die a horrible death. I refuse to look at them even when the topic seems interesting. 

Dear Jalops,

My very first car was a 1992 Hyundai Excel. For the uninitiated, do you know all the things Hyundai does right these days? Okay, well, back then, they were doing none of that.

Dodge/RAM has always been the Tab in the battle of Coke vs Pepsi.

I’m gonna take a wild guess that these bullies’ parents are aligning all their witnesses and resources to declare what wonderful, married, hard-working Boy Dads and SAH moms they are which totally aligns with the torture that happened under their roof!

Someone needs to post the names of these fucking thugs. This boy’s face and his name is all over the place and these rancid motherfucking thug brats are being left anyonymous?

the world needs a bit more of this to be honest ... things are getting way too pampered out there. When I was about 13, an 18 year old came to my prom and beat me up with his two friends for no reason at all, he just fancied my date and tried to hook up with her in the past. My dad came, found me crying, then found him

I understand I just sound like an Internet tough guy, here. But if this was my son, I would be in prison right now, after dragging each of these evil little fucks out of their houses and beating the shit from them on their front lawns.

crazy thing is there are tons of the new Silverado and Silverado HD in around where I live. Tons of trail bosses. They’re ugly as fuck all but they also scream hyper masculinity which makes since with all the drivers I see in them.

If anyone found my forcing them to drink urine and shooting them with a BB gun offensive, I apologize. It was never my intention to harm. That’s not who I am as a person. I don’t see color. 

Since it’s about manufacturer loyalty, they probably all paid more and got a Sierra.