ben loves his new "real" SUV

American spec:

Sir, I believe you meant to post a photo of a semi truck, but accidentally posted a photo of a Decepticon instead.

Jesus. My life is stressful enough just having an S5 and hoping the engine doesn’t fucking explode. God bless you all.

I saw the new Ridgine the other day, I liked it

I feel like all of the Japanese manufacturers went through or are going through this transition. Seen the new Prius lately? What about Lexus?

As someone who loves the 3rd gen 4Runner, dislikes the 4th gen, and is conflicted about the 5th gen. I like where your mind is. I mean, the REAR WINDOW ROLLS DOWN.

The Global Hilux is BIGGER than the current Tacoma, but Toyota could bring back the “truck”...that would be amazing. Also, a 3rd gen 4runner sized off roader would be cool, the current 4runner is near as makes no difference dimensionally identical to my 80 series land cruiser.

This time ‘round can we get an FJ that’s a lot more FJ40 and a lot less H2?

I’m thoroughly convinced that the first automaker to reintroduce compact pickups and SUVs is just going to print money with them. Toyota could reintroduce a HiLux and print money just on the name, and there’s PLENTY of room for a smaller truck

..........If someone doesn’t replace that shiggidy with a machine gun, I will be sorely disappointed.

There was this one time, where I almost spilled all my secrets on the internet because someone asked me to...but then I didn’t...whew, that was a close one!

As we search for a talented reviews editor, we’re going to torture all of you with this borderline racist pile of trash writer no one on the planet ever heard of before, yet somehow has been working as a car reviewer for aparently one day too long.

Raise your hand if this ISN’T your secret fantasy. Maybe not mitsus, but with your particular car-fetish.

Ugh, let’s not and say we didn’t.

Ford also restructured pension and benefits before the crash, GM did not. Ford was much more proactive, just better managed.

Ford sold off brands, while GM just killed them, so they got that extra revenue.

Poor NSX. Trump probably grabbed it by the intake manifold.

Florida _____*

It was my reaction after seeing his photo.

It’s really only a mid-afternoon job, when they are walking home from school.

Dude, designing cars is not your thing.