ben loves his new "real" SUV

For the umpteenth time, Alex Roy and the handful for drivers who attempt these records are not “street racers”. They are highly trained drivers who take on these runs in the most controlled, careful, researched ways possible, in highly prepared vehicles.

Eh, if I had FU money and wanted to add a little fun guy to the stable, then hell yes, I’d buy it, even at $32k.

So he was driving from NYC to Laguna Seca, stopped in Austin to visit PG, refused to sleep at his house, and then:

So we agree that detect-ability is not relevant. Good.

David won, hands down. Full stop. 

It depends on the horror movie.

I only order my hookers in leather. 

It’s cool, but a rather unfortunate looking truck at the same time. 

IIRC, the AMG wagon traditionally sells the fewest units per year of any other MB. That includes the McLaren-Mercedes and the AMG SLS production runs.

Damn, I would have taken it! Being driven like that just means you got it broken in right!

Yes, I am saying that they pose the same risk to others.

Can anyone climbing Mt. Everest accidentally hurt anyone else? Nope.

Yup, Gunball rocked!

Are you the guy who set the NYC to South Beach run in the Bentley Continental Convertible? I remember reading that because the car is aluminium, the only place to place the CB antenna was the fuel filler door since it was steel?  

IIRC, it was a F1 driver’s father. Took a month or so to find it. I thought it was a Ferrari though. 

Are you really sure those are chest hairs?

Did he really have a wall full of books in his garage like he shows off in his YouTube infomercial?

Lord, I remember how terrifying the Bangle 6&7 (especially the 7 ) was....I can’t wait (no, really, I can....I mean it, like forever) to see the Hookeydonk version.

Love that livery so much it hurts. 

Why does it have so much headroom? Am I going to be sitting up in the damn thing?