ben loves his new "real" SUV

Damn Bradley, I feel your pain.

Living in Texas, where long drives on big roads are a way of life, I honestly cannot think of a better vehicle than this one (OK, maybe the extended one, because go big or go home).

David, I think this one might be a touch beyond your welding and fabrications at this point (no offense), but you go to VA with some sort of regularity, so why add updates as part of your regular stories.

It’s because Toyota mechanics still haven’t finished their BMW repair training.

I’ve been thinking of doing that to my 1.0 EcoBoost EcoSport.

You need to be taken out behind the shed for even thinking about fucking this car up.

The Sian should be the Aventador’s replacement. Fuck limited editions.

The lasers would also be a godsend for the real reason Jeeps exist today: making sure they can fucking park between the lines at the mall!

Growing up, my family was friends with a guy who had a beautiful Ferrari 356 Daytona that spent most of it’s time sitting covered in a thick layer of dust in one of his warehouses. The starter would not work after that car warmed up so he couldn’t drive it anywhere and make short stops, and he sure as hell was not

Not union, not auto industry, but I was hired as by a temp agency to work in the educational sales department for Apple in their Austin Campus. I was told that I could expect to be a direct hire in 3-6 months.

If it was built in ‘99, you’re in. Any continuation models either before 1980, or after ‘99 have to be approved. The Radwood FB page has it all spelled out. I think their webpage would as well.

I agree that a Miata is perfect for Radwood, but I kinda understand because the NA has aged so well, it does not feel that old.

It’s not a regular beetle, it’s a Tesla Model 4

That’s no Mirai, that’s an undisguised Supra Grand Coupe prototype! 

I actually just bought one. At 247k miles, my Lexus LX450 decided that it was a good time for the AC and the transmission to go out at the same time. Since it was my only car, it tipped the repair/replace scale solidly into the replace category. It was a great truck, but lots of wear items were, well, worn, and I

Funny, the MUV that replaced the Fiesta has a great interior, behold, the beauty of the Eco Sport:

My high school was basically a John Hughes movie. Of course it was 30+ years ago, but getting a VW Cabrio, Wranglers, Mustang GT convertible,or a BMW E30's was like most kids getting an Escort at a normal school.

be careful....dear leader can hear your thoughts. that’s how he explains all the voices in his head. 

You make it sound like sucking dicks is a bad thing.