
I get wanting to spend so much time on the feminist view of Dani’s actions,.. Don’t try to put a 21st century sensibility on what is essentially an 8th century world.  this is the ultimate feminist outcome. it shows that women and men are no different, they’re bot weak and strong, good and evil, no matter your gender,

How do we know that the Mountain is actually dead? He “Meerly a scratch”ed a sword through the midsection and a dagger in the fucking skull. Now I’m supposed to take it for granted that falling into fire does the trick? Maybe he’s fine.

I think Dany chose to burn the city for a very specific and relatively foreshadowed reason: she was punishing the populace. They specifically mentioned how the cities she liberated across the sea were sort-of bloodless battles because the people rose up against their oppressors themselves and then welcomed her as

I can easily see Dany’s scouring of King’s Landing being part of Martin’s plan in the books- what I didn’t get was a whole season, or at least a few more episodes, leading up to me thinking that TV Dany would do that.

I think this episode was probably the sloppiest of the last two seasons. Dany essentially wiped out the Iron Fleet like she could have done in the prior episode. Once destroying all of the scorpions she has essentially won. Why not go directly to the Red Keep? And Cersei’s role in the last two seasons has been shit.

One completely random question: did defeating the Night King and the Army of the Undead end winter? It was forecasted to be the longest winter in generations according to the Citadel’s Maesters who likely had some means of understanding the odd seasonal meteorology of Westeros (and Essos - the book strongly suggests

I hate to play the rewrite game, but I can’t help but imagine what these past two seasons would have looked like if the night king was defeated at the end of season 7 and this season was spent entirely on Dany descending into madness, Jaime returning to the dark side, and Cersei being defeated.

Me agree that Dany’s heel turn made sense thematically and for character. It just not that well-executed. It remind me of Tony B on Sopranos (Steve Buscemi); we all knew from moment he was introduced that (spoilers for 20-year-old show) guy trying to walk straight and narrow was going to get sucked back into gangster

Yes, there’s a case to be made for that. But there’s a big gap between lashing out at perceived betrayals and slights and murdering the type of innocent players on whose side she always claimed to be. That gap was left yawning.

I think the fact that both of those seemingly contradictory things happening is what the main issue is.

Pacing issues with the final seasons aside, hasn’t Daenerys always been a strongman authoritarian with a god complex who is capable of extreme cruelty, and who takes it extremely personally when she doesn’t receive the unconditional love she believes is her birthright? The show has spent a lot of money showing us how

Myles, the article was going great. I was with you until “boring white dude”. Why does every single piece nowadays have to be about gender and race? If you find the character boring, you can say boring, no need to bring up race. If race is an issue (which it isn’t cause you know, Dany’s white too) why do you have to

Jon and Dany will both die, and we’ll get King Gendry, Master of METAL!

Same with the Bronn scene. At this point, the characters are saying what they are doing. There was barely enough time for Jaime to do what he did. Definitely not enough time to set up a fake-out assassin mission.

Not to mention being cruel to Brienne just because the writers could. Create happiness to destroy it. They could have had the same ending with him just sneaking off after the ice zombies dropped.

They completely undid Jaime’s arc.

I think D+D liked the idea of Jaime being a man who was too damaged by the past to have a meaningful future. But yeah, it was meaningless nonsense string-pulling just to get to the ending, because I have no idea what his plan would have been if he hadn’t been wounded.

Honestly maybe even worst served than Dany’s arc was Jaime’s.

What in the seven hells was Jaime’s plan? Did he seriously want to run back to Cersei, even when it was clear she hired a hitman to kill him? The framing of their death being tragic was really weird.

Checked my wallet. No money. Punched the guy in neighboring cube and took his instead. City level here I come!

Something tells me Elon Musk believes that he is the main character in the game.