
That color scheme has been signature HTC for quite a while though. Why is my incredible solid red under the battery cover? Who knows. Not me. But the phone still rocks - at least rooted with Cyanogenmod 7 (gingerbread). Sense isn't too bad though. Far better than MotoBlur.

My wife and I dont let out 4yo watch it due to the choices he makes on the show and just general toilet humor. I know he will have his innocence spoiled at some point, but its not going to be on my watch, dammit.

One word: Pageviews.

Best comment in this thread, by 1000x.

This sucks! A hidden gem within Desktop was a very, very good search plugin for outlook. I could care less if Desktop goes away, they better not take my outlook search! Its a bajilliion times better than the essentially useless searching tool in outlook.

Exactly. They are probably mad Calderon didnt call Gawker first and offer to sell it.

This is astounding. Can you imagine the backlash, the vitriol, the pure hatred the populous would have for walmart or exxon if they pulled a stunt like this? Im pretty sure there would be a congrssional inquiry and obama would face questions about what hes doing about those "greeedy corporations" during press

This may be smart. They probably see what IBM did with Lenovo. Sell off the business with razor thin margins, and keep the business with high margins, high profitability. My company's data center is filled to the brim with HP blades, pizza boxes, tier 1 SANs, etc. Service contracts for that stuff is gravy.

Haha! Or, Digital Equipment Corp. Lol!

Hopefully this will mean the death of MotoBlur. Motorola can make some nice hardware, but the software is crap. My experiences with a droid X were high while handling the device (well built, nice features, decent battery) but the thing acted like there was a ghost living inside it - calls to random people, the

This needs to be cross posted on Jezebel. Stat.

Waitaminute. You mention audiophiles and Beats in the same sentence? I thought Beats was the new Bose? This is yawn worthy. HTC should have took that 300m and bought itself some lawyers n shit.

You took the words out of my brain and put them on the internet. My wife recently got a white 4, and the industrial look of the brushed metal edges made me want to give up my cyanogen modded incredible. This hunk of junk looks like a 3gs. I really, really hope the 5 improves upon the 4's design and doesn't take a

My 4 year old sure knows Star Wars. He is literally obsessed with Lego Star Wars (the complete series). Geek is a gene, it is passed on to offspring.

RRRRRRRRRRADIO! Best Sesame Street evar!

Your man-vase would be better if it had something manly in it - screwdrivers, drill bits, dynamite. Not flowers.

See that's what I don't get - surely the bean counters paid off the tool and dies for the Ranger somewhere around 1987... since then it should be gravy.

I was going to reply to your comment but here's Mr. Tennessee State Stormtrooper at my desk with his blaster, ready to herd me into the Radioactive Waste Forcer Machine that we all have to endure daily, so my comment will be brief.

Dear Elitist Asshole,

Dear Elitist Asshole,