
What a complete cop-out on the drum mics section. Does a canned cymbal crash not have the same chance as a live one to occur on the same frequency as a guitar solo? Just use compression on the cymbal / drums channel.

I understand the need to flesh out a story, especially when it comes to writing about items that most of us use every day - whether it's cars or toasters - but this article is junk.

At least it was just a smoldering car, and not ED-209. Somebody pull a board! Indeed.

I was with you until you said T-45. I've been served tougher spaghetti noodles at Olive Garden than most T-45 internals. Cuh-Rack Pie-yeep.

What was up with the cougar at the end? Did they forget it wasn't a Cougar commercial?

We still use Huey's in combat? I thought our workhorse chopper was the Blackhawk and its nearly infinite variations?

Wow, that was actually a manual version. Manuel driving a manual. That wont cut it here in 'merica where we all have vestigal left feet.

More like Ford heeding the oncoming onslaught of CAFE requirements. Thank the government for the castration procedures.

"She has to respond to the pretty cop who comes in and flirts,"

Heck, if they can fly drones halfway around the world from Arizona, surely they can drive a truck! And for $hits and giggles, let's arm the sucker and give that "pilot" a .50cal to join the fun.

Well said. Also what needs to be considered (and this comment would get me in trouble on Jezebel) is what does the girl do when she gets engaged? She shows it off to her friends, who ooh and ahh over it. But wait, it's not a real diamond? Your future wife now has to explain why she didn't get a diamond engagement

I hope they realize this thing better hit it out of the park on the first swing. They aren't going to have any do overs a la Mango.

Hey, they have to advertise. Who would look at that phone and say it's a blackberry? Yeah no one would.

No wonder Google and China didn't get along. Google took pics of China's dirty underwear and put them on the interwebs!

Yep! I remember as a kid playing some games, they would run at double speed when turbo was on (those old PacMan clones where "PacMan" was some funky ASCII char). Ahh, those were they glory days of the PC.

Not so much in the old days. The turbo button bumped the old XT clones from something like 4mhz to 8mhz. I may have the mhz numbers wrong, but it really did increase the clockspeed. Almost like a realtime overclock button.

Futuristic Ewok treehouse?

No kidding. What's really surprising is to see the RIM advertising on the smartphone posts. Not the brightest up there in moose country I suppose...

Man, whatever marketing department or outsourced group produced that video should just go back to mowing lawns. Or making training videos for state governments. Terrible!

So I have a few questions. Was this video made in 1998? Also, where are these Microsoft stores located? Mind you, I may live in the sticks, but I've been to several major cities and I've never ran across one (NYC, Las Vegas, Dallas, etc.) yet. And is this app for real? I feel sorry for the girl, but she's got a