
My wife has used 147mb since she got hers on Monday... and it was about noon when she got it.... so yeah, its easy to burn up data.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: My wife's #DroidX has Blockbuster, Need for speed, that stupid app that shows what city and state the phone call is from, and several other trial version apps that cannot be removed. I wouldn't mind it so much if they could be deleted.

Well, I think its safe to say I'm going against the grain here, but I'm kinda glad they suck at photoshop.

I can't play guitar, but I can make a regular one with a slide and a distortion pedal sound better than that.

@jodark: Nice dude. Heart click.

@Davk: Looks like the drivers side headlight is messed up too... busted parking lamp it seems like to me.

@I see the light. It burns!: I was thinking the same thing... android has 99% of this functionality built in. Or at least the Droid X does.

This is kinda like guitar amp tubes... yeah, solid state is cheaper and may work better but those that love it won't let go.

One of those documents has some interesting fine print on it concerning roaming;

@Igor Neumann: What to call 4k theater projection? ExtraSuperAwesomeHD?

@Kerensky97: I think it also has some extended scenes with Ripley at the hospital station/ship thing standing in front of a screen that makes it look like she's outside at a park. I think it shows her looking up info on her daughter.

Queue up the Obama phone call to fire Goodby, Silverstien & Partners...

@geolemon: You can do it several ways now: Order from the remote using your phone line like you described; via the intarwebs; or call them up.

@geolemon: You forget about on demand services and PPV. DirecTV PPV gets movies just about as quickly as rental stores, while redbox lags several months behind.

I wonder how long it will take before we get a complete cinema quality rip of the latest movie from some PO'd digital cinema employee.

@jwdav: Heart click for you sir.

@lundarius: Didn't watch the video I guess? The chick tells us 911 assist remains available when its enabled.

@Hickeroar: They usually do a better job with their DIY stuff, however.

My wife made it through security at Newark last year with one... I thought they would give us a hard time, but I guess we slipped through the cracks.