Debian also has a similar awesome resource particularly for new branded laptops. It even includes some chromebooks!
Debian also has a similar awesome resource particularly for new branded laptops. It even includes some chromebooks!
Post smoking “vaper” here. No cigarettes for two years. I’ve stepped down in nicotene levels since I started. I’m not sure I’ll ever quit (unless I start sucking on carrots regularly), but I certainly feel better.
I hope this game blows up so much that they add extra racing and flying game modes. Or maps with weird variations like giant posts or half court single goal!
He’s a one-off member of one of the 3 races. All the Protoss are like “Holy shit!!”, Zeratul’s like “Nah man, dat void doe.”
With a proper Object Oriented code base, sections of code will be reused over and over. As you would expect Recall to be reused code from a blank character class, it would make sense that a move every character has would be affected by a bug in the class itself.
Right there with you. I even had a chromebook for a while, but one of the x86 ones that could boot to Linux after enabling DevMode. But in the end, I sold it for an HP Stream 13, and it was actually cheaper and faster with a more standard keyboard.
I had a chromebook 14 with an x86 that ran Linux natively. It was alright. They keyboard ended up being the killer for me. Swapped out for an HP stream 13.
Is there a gcc plugin yet? Or is it still just a fancy text editor?
Aw dangit, I thought someone had finally gotten Linux applications to actually run natively on ChromeOS.
Sandy Bridge and 500 series gpu are already terrible and old!? Jeez, gaming laptops don’t age well.
If it could use the GCC, I’d have no problem throwing down money on it and use it over every other editor and IDE available.
I would use Sublime’s free version if it didn’t keep reminding me it was the free version. I now use Geany on Linux and PortableApps’ Geany for Windows.
caught in an AVALANCHE
no escape from METEORity
Of course not, hence the “seems to be”.
I’ve eyeballed every one of these I’ve ever seen. But so far, the Pocket C.H.I.P. still seems to be the best/cheapest/easiest solution.
Yes, you don’t even have to switch to Legacy Boot. Debian Jessie works just as well.
Well, it’s chrooted into ubuntu with a VNC connection.
6 month’s later: yes, almost flawlessly except with a hand written config to resolve a wireless power-off issue. The same goes for Debian.
6 month’s later: yes, almost flawlessly except with a hand written config to resolve a wireless power-off issue. The same goes for Debian.