Carl Bently

Actually Best Buys pre-orders are fundamentally flawed. At the store I worked at, we regularly had to tell people "A pre-order guarantees you a product, unfortunately, not necessarily at launch." Apply this 'logic' to a limited run, and you have exactly the problem you see here.

Honestly, I just don't know if I buy it. Are we sure these are paint?

And "PlayBox 4One"? I'd have gone with Xstation.

Danziger. Doorman has had his hands in multiple other softwares too.

You've kinda just got to play it to figure it out. I watched 3 gameplay videos > still didn't understand > played a few matches > still didn't understand > played a few more > starting to understand.

Not sure which is more of a fad.

"Hey dumbass"? Who the fuck are you? What a prick.

At least they put the LAN port on it. +1 to potentially wonderful, I suppose.

Well, Ubuntu isn't exactly lightweight either. In fact, it's one of the bloatiest distro's in town. That's why Raspbian uses Debian with LXDE and comes with a bunch of barebones-y applications.

One of my neighbors is the same!

How come no one does flashy convenient C/C++ knowledge aggregates like this. I know it's not a new-agey easy language, but dang, it's the best.

How thunderous be thine thighs, O Lourde?

Neat! I'm loving the resurgence of cmd software on Windows lately. Almost makes it feel like $HOME.

I actually ended up finding a 2009 Mac Mini for $300 on Cragslist shortly after I made this post! Cheers!

Running on a Chromebook or Windows on an external drive? Either way, probably poorly. Chromebooks don't have much punch behind them. The external harddrive would also make software load likely about 1/4 the speed of an internal drive.


Getting dangerously close to the mouth here!

The new Lollipop animation is pretty sharp. It's a slight zoom out as the saturation drops and the back light fades. Real neat.

Haha, Maximum The Hormone's pretty awesome backwards.

I believe it's because they actually made so much money off the advertisements on the site. That was the nail in the coffin. They couldn't pin them for providing links. The founders claimed that they only made enough money to keep the site running with no personal profit. I could be wrong, but I think that's what