Benjamin Sapiens

Nixon also got us out of Vietnam and supported a lot of the previously established social welfare programs.

Research has shown the whether or not a person supports welfare or social programs has very little to do with how rich or poor they are, or how much those programs might benefit them, but everything to do with how much of that money they think will go to non-whites.

I don't mind him being a jerk who cheats on his wife too much - that's a horrible thing to do to the person who he supposedly loves, but I can forgive him for infidelity. It's unfortunate, but it happens.

On a related note, the Marxist definition of "liberal" is partially "anyone - even if they're completely leftist and almost as far left as I am - who is slightly less far to the left than I am."

My favorite part is that Beckel was supposed to be the token liberal on that show.

Given the marriage customs of the Targaryen Westerosi monarchy, the dragons of "Game of Thrones" are also for inbred white kids.

Fuqua's "Arthur" was basically just giving Arthurian legend the "Pirates of the Caribbean" treatment. It could have worked, but the concept was a little too convoluted, the historicity that it claimed to be aiming for was pretty implausible, and the comic relief was too broad. It took itself too seriously, and then

I think you'd be hard-pressed to call "The Middle" conservative. If the show has any political affiliation, it's with the chunk of America that doesn't have any real political affiliation or any interest in political issues and with the nearly half of all Americans who are eligible to vote but don't.

Well, only a few hours ago she nearly* became the president of France, so I'd definitely google her, just for the sake of knowing what's going on in the world.

Ironically, that was one occasion when bombing another country was actually a good, humane sort of thing to do.

That is true, actually.

Fallon is pretty great with these kind of musical parodies. The "Doors do 'Reading Rainbow'" one is just absolutely spot-on.

The real question we should be focusing on is "why does that baby look like an old man?"

After I started watching his shows on the Food Network in the breakroom at work, I have to say I really love Guy Fieri. He seems like a genuinely really nice guy, and his shows are a lot of fun.

"talking about 17 examples everyone knows already about how Hannity is a bad person"

In this case, I appreciated the analysis of exactly WHY these personalities are so despised which were quite insightful and really got to the heart of why makes each of their particular schticks so noxious.

Honestly, sometimes refraining from defying expectations is the best thing those contributing to a list like this can do.

I mean, I was kind of ecstatic when I heard that Trump was going after Assad for his use of chemical weapons against his own people because A) I really hate Assad and everything he's done and it's about time someone stood up to and B) it might bring a little relief to the Syrian people.

The problem is that situations arise on a semi-regular basis where human rights could stand to benefit from American military intervention.

"Headed by Pastor Harry Reeder, the 4,100-member church is pushing for its own police force because it is located some 10 miles south of downtown Birmingham and is home to a K-12 school and a theological seminary with 2,000 students and teachers."