Benjamin Sapiens

"Yiddish" sounds like the Yiddish word you use to describe a nonsensical language.

Actually, conservatives love to try to misappropriate MLK's legacy by trying to paint him as an All Lives Matter conservative Christian, so I'm honestly surprised that they haven't made a movie like this yet.

Really? You're only just now discovering Ten Second Songs? I know "GJ,I" is usually a day or two late in posting whatever moderately big thing is happening online, but this is, like, a year and a half late.

Except it would likely be Krusty who uttered the word "crap."

It's actually not bad at all, but it does seem a little inane, even for children's television, but then again I'm not seven years old.

I've often thought it was odd that Krusty and Bumblebee Man are both famous enough to have their own television programs, yet they both reside in little 'ol Springfield.

You mean "Ralph's" like the one they always mention in "Nightvale"? Probably; I've never actually heard of either of them outside of the respective shows they're mentioned in.

As an American, I had to look it up to discover that Shoney's is a real place.

Correct on both points, although while "Shrek the Third" was very much "not good" it wasn't actually miserable for me to sit through, which I'm certain "Boss Baby" would be.

I was thinking about his self-assured, arrogant jackassery.

I feel like Alec Baldwin, as an individual, is far, far more like Jack Donaghy than he would ever care to admit.

When I first saw the trailer for this movie, I thought it looked like a parody of bad DreamWorks movies.

When "Chicken Run" came out, they did a promotion at Burger King.

"We’ve got Pins Monthly, New Pins, Practical Pins, Modern Pins, Pins Extra, Pins International, Talking Pins, Pins World, World Pins, World of Pins, Pins and Pinneries, The Acuphile Digest, Extreme Pins, Beginning Pins, Pin Times …"

"Oh, Kent, that's a sad story. I taped over all my old episodes.
Ahh, you know, I had a thing for Judge Judy - and blank tape was $3.
99. What would YOU do?"

Words that you're not supposed to say naturally strike people as funny (sort of), in the same way that all topics you're not supposed to discuss to. The fact that it's taboo makes us giggle when someone says it.

Rather contrary to expectations, rural, lower-class, middle-aged, salt-of-the-earth pick-up-driving redneck men tend to own those little teeny dogs that you usually associate with rich ladies: chihuahuas, shih tzus, pomeranians, etc.

Also ironic, but in a totally different way, Kurt Weill was a massive liberal with some very strong Marxist leanings … and his song was used by Mc-frickin'-Donalds to shill shitty burgers.