Benjamin Sapiens

I think the whole "has the feel of a soap opera" thing - if that actually was something they were going for - was more the result of other aspects of mise-en-scène (the way the sets really *looked* like they were on a soundstage, the way the cameras were set up the same way they would be to film a soap) rather than

"the fact that it was shot on video, so it looks sort of shitty by today's standards"

Oh, sure, to some extent, but that's true of every tv show, movie, comic book, novel, book series, band, genre of music, politician, political ideology hobby and sports team, regardless of how great or awful the thing itself actually is.

I chose "Supernatural" to watch on Netflix as background noise while I did other stuff, although I quickly got pretty seriously into it.

It would be improved by a quarter - at least - simply by keeping Jack Black out of the film.

I have to say that I liked Watts' and Kong's chemistry together. The time they spent together in New York at the end of the film is wonderful and it turns his death at the end from a thrilling horror scene to a heartbreaking one. I know these are not popular opinions, but that's how I feel.

Jackson's "Kong" had the potential to be great, and about half of what was in the film was great - some of the individual scenes, the creature designs, certain parts of the plot - but it coalesced into a poor-quality whole. Which was a shame.

Trump shit is (unfortunately) important and relevant, even to this site, even if it's got no relation to pop culture. When something that dangerous and evil gets elected into the highest office in the land, we no longer have the luxury of ignoring politics.

AND Samuel L. Jackson.

It's "Wolfman's got nards!" not "nads."

Get rid of the woefully miscast Jack Black (and also the heinously racist depictions of the native islanders) and cut that awful dinosaur stampede scene you've got a pretty solid movie.

The hopelessness of that scene as it drags on and on - past the point where you'd expect help to arrive at the very last moment to save them, where the characters all start getting eaten … it's a hell of a horror scene.

I thought that framing the movie mainly from the POV of people caught up in the action - only showing glimpses of the monster as he stomped over them - was an inspired choice. It gives the spectacle of a giant monster stomping through a city the feeling of helplessness and terror it deserves.

"Liberals are fine with capitalism, and just want to regulate things to spread the wealth around and keep rivers from catching on fire. The Left want Socialism."

And half the time his opinions are actually ANTI-liberal.

Or, even better, by a walking cactus *not* wearing boxing gloves …

It's funny, because they've got, like, pagan Odin-worshipers and fundamentalist Catholics and neo-SPQR-ists and Israel-supporters and "kill all the Jews" Nazis all allied together with each other.

"just forgot that one of those names is totally made up"