Benjamin Sapiens

I'm pretty sure the Founding Fathers were fully in support of the subjugation of the Native Americans and the theft of their land …

That's all such an absolutely perfect description of the alt-right and its behavior that it's scary.

I adore your name, by the way. Just wanted to let you know that.

"it turned out to be far more profitable to have flying buses than it was to engage in supersonic flight"

"About the only thing they updated was how stars look when you wiz past them at greater than the speed of light."

Verbing weirds language.

Ironically, Peter was just as correct in his criticism of the war in Iraq as his brother was wrong.

Usually red, but occasionally pepto-bismol pink.

1) "Don't feed the trolls" was originally intended as advice for how to deal with trolls who try to derail a thread.

He should have changed the schematic so the superlaser firing dish was in the norther hemisphere rather than on the equator. The Death Star schematic animation was designed (iirc) before the Death Star filming model was completed, and the original design called for an equatorial dish, which was changed because they

This is the size of Earth, Earth's moon, the Death Star and the Death Star II (which is ludicrously larger than its predecessor for some reason). The Death Star is the size of a small moon. A very, very small moon.

Yeah, but can ya blame him? He and she had a pretty good rapport going on, and she's a beautiful princess, and his compatriot is being a jerk. He's gotta try to defend himself here.

Considering that the in-universe canon name of Admiral Ackbar's species is "Mon Calamari" and that the onion-faced creature playing the oboe in Jabba's palace band is named "Droopy McCool," that's not even all that implausible, sadly.

There are a series of very small engines scattered around the aft midsection of the station. I guess it takes a long time for it to move into position once it drops out of hyperspace, which is why it takes so long for it to orbit around Yavin to reach Yavin IV.

Hyperdrives on Star Wars ships are always internal. The only engines that you can see on ships are sublight engines.

I find it difficult to believe that very many Star Wars fans confused the two.

Which is funny, because - with a significant portion of Trump's support coming from old people - quite a lot of his supporters DON'T work, because they're retired. And, thus, sort of DO live off the government, in the sense that they collect social security.

NCIS isn't particularly jingoistic in its depiction of the military, though, is it? It's basically just yet another "whodunnit" procedural that happens to take place in a military setting.

It can be two things.