Benjamin Sapiens

You're right; I don't think he even takes his own beliefs into consideration at all, he just say whatever he knows his audience wants him to say.

A) WRONG! Carrot cake is great, dammit!

It'll cost them the chunk of their Tea Party / right libertarian / Ron Paul base that's as staunchly pro-pot as they are anti-Obamacare.

That's an excellent point.

That was the point x23 was trying to make.

No, I think I'm expecting a company to act in ways that a company should be expected to act.

Hospitals, like the EmPal SuRecon Center (Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center).

It's fairly maligned, but more maligned than it deserves to be.

I suppose he's adopting a bit of Armond White's schtick?

"The guns. They've stopped."

And this, boys and girls - despite the fact that it's a ship and not actually a character - is an actual example of the "Mary Sue" phenomenon, rather than just dumb fanboy sexism.

I thought that was just an African-American thing? I've certainly never heard anyone at a theater do that.

"This is a communal space that people have paid to enjoy a movie in, not listen to some random other bozos."

Oh! And Darth Vader's lava castle! That's a piece of Star Wars lore so deep that it was never anything more than some concept art for the original trilogy. That was a great inclusion, even if James Earl Jones' voice was way to old and worn out to portray the character properly.

I clapped - just a tiny bit - when I saw the cameo appearance of the Juggernaut transporting them to the prison work camp.

And why are they all overly-fancy and 90% of them based on movie franchises now?

That was actually part of a neat little standalone arc where R2-D2 and C-3PO got on a "Gulliver's Travels" style romp across a bunch of different weird planets.

He was perfect as J in "Men in Black."

Right. But they choose to put profits over respecting human rights, which is a bad move.

No, they obviously don't?