Benjamin Sapiens

He even has an antechamber with a catwalk platform over a bunch of mechanical stuff, perfect for tossing people off of during a fight.

Besides, it sort of ruins the narrative continuity with the original film where she's first only seen as a figure in a white dress and a veil, and then unveils her face.

"I found the movie's biggest overall problem to be that the characters were barely developed, which is doubly problematic in that the ending is based entirely around you caring for them."

"some the lame-o easter eggs in TFA"

It was, in part - which, to me, is far worse than any whitewashing. Don't acquiesce to the Chinese government which is mistreating the Tibetan people. That's kind of a slap in the face to Tibet. I dunno.

I soured on Slate when the started notice how many conservative pieces there were there (moderatist conservatism, certainly, but still not terribly insightful or interesting enough to bother reading, from what I'd seen).

All the articles that I read are social justice related, and they're usually written by a very knowledgeable activist who's a member of the group affected by whatever issue they're discussing.

Orwell, in 1984's Newspeak, called it "Bellyfeel."

It's a shame those sites pump out BS, since they have a lot of potential for sending out really solid factual liberal ideas to a lot of people. But then again, those kind of liberals are probably going to develop their own echo-chamber nonsense if they can't find it elsewhere.

Does HuffPo actually do that? Every time I've ventured on there all the articles have seemed (very surprisingly, considering its reputation in the past) to be high-quality and very solid.

My comment neglected to mention the primary reason Trump won: moderates and leftists who found Hillary Clinton to be uninspiring or not leftist enough, respectively, and didn't vote for her.

The "Silent Majority," much like the Holy Roman Empire, is none of the things that it claims to be in its name.

We are supposed to find it endearing, because she's presenting it to us as though it were an endearing anecdote.

Well, the lack of diversity in Oscar nominations IS pretty obviously a symptom of systemic racism in our society.

Just for the record: "whiteness" doesn't necessarily refer to the fact that white people exist; it refers to the idea of "whiteness" which believes that white people and white culture is superior to all the rest of humanity.

"this is why we lost the election"

I'm just happy to get my hair cut in a place where the conversation being forced upon me is something other than "why liberals suck," "Muslims are a buncha terrorists" and "political correctness is ruining our country."


"So the easiest way to appear street-smart is to take the piss out of anybody caught being earnest."

No, moron, because those actresses *consented* to take part in those scenes. Don't be fucking stupid.