Benjamin Sapiens

And it's also pretty ironic, considering that those kind of fantasy epics require a massive amount of advanced technology to be created.

Huh? Obama got 65,915,795 votes. Hillary got 63,860,218 (as of right now; votes are still coming in). What are you talking about?

In fairness, "Episode I" is a phenomenal visual spectacle, and the worlds in it are very imaginative, even if the script was the complete opposite.

I love how you bothered to created a Disqus account just to troll the comments of an article that's nearly three months old and how you chose a username that has the n-word in it.

"every iconic hero, from James Bond to Iron Man, has to be conflicted, complicated, and full of regret and self-doubt"

Damn right.

I'm assuming (and praying) that you're using Twain as a hypothetical example, and that no such horror stories have come to light about America's beloved mustachioed storyteller.

The Empire could be the colonial British Empire as much as the Third Reich.

I think it's more a situation where Thrawn was so incredibly, outrageously good at his job that they just had to make an exception to their species purity laws for him.

Yeah, "Dune" (the book, not the films) is all about politics, and yet it's never boring. Same goes for "Undiscovered Country," which is heavily centered around politics, and is (at least in my opinion, I know that opinions on this film vary widely) a great, entertaining movie.

… America's doomed because we do things differently than everywhere else in the world? Look, we've gotten along fine for decades despite being the only country on Earth not to use the metric system - I mean, that one Mars probe did burn up because accidentally used both systems, but other than that we've been okay,

You do realize that liberalism and leftism intersect, and that the more liberal you are, the more leftist you are, right?

I had to look up what an "SRA card" was. Interesting!

A) The terms "regressive" and "fascist" describe the exact opposite of the kind of progressivism that you're trying to describe.
B) Those terms do, however, describe your side perfectly. Funny how often that happens, isn't it?
C) You're cheering on the idea of a serial rapist being remaining a celebrated icons despite

Oh, I completely agree. White supremacism is what primarily fueled Trump's popularity, and sexism is what helped sink Hillary.

Also: like he said, there ARE many good people who won't be buried by the hate, but the fact that they're a minority whom most people disagree with is just horrifying and disheartening.

Which also goes for liberals: we despise drone strikes that kill innocent civilians on principle, but we ~feel~ like that's the kind of thing that Obama represents the opposite of, so we have trouble acknowledging the fact that that's exactly what he's doing. As soon as that fact is brought up, the cognitive

That's true. Romney was an insider; Obama, even while the incumbent, seemed like more of an outsider. That probably helped in his re-election.

You grew up to be a hate-mongering bully who works to actively spread bigotry and hate and spends his free time trolling websites.

Ask every other nation on Earth how much they respected Obama and the American people for electing him. The answer: quite a bit.