Benjamin Sapiens

America has stopped being a laughingstock for the past several years.

"take responsibility for your own actions"

Well, no, that's not quite true. Almost half of us did the right thing. It's *America* that's on the wrong side of history, although fortunately not ALL of its people.

Honey, it's not "irony" or hypocrisy to hate those who unjustly hate innocent people.

Trump is the Asset Liquidator. Hillary would have been America's Good Steward. She is the kind of Americans who treats this country like an inheritance that needs careful management to maintain its value. Trump views America as a pile of spoils to be looted to further aggrandize his own house at the expense of our

No, honey. By "we," he means all of us - you, me, our republic, and everyone in it.

Please go kill yourself.

This is the children taking charge while the adults try desperately to keep them from burning the house down.

"Please take the high road & embrace ur fellow citizens no matter the outcome🇺🇸#AllInThisTogether"

Honestly, half the people who voted Trump probably voted for Obama, at least in '08. People are fickle and stupid, and they vote for the more interesting, charismatic candidate.

He could have said "make sweet love to them” and it would have been disgusting.

"Everyone has lied to me, everyone has deceived me, no one has told me the truth. The armed forces have lied to me and now the SS have left me in the lurch. The German people have not fought heroically, they deserve to perish. It is not I who have lost the war, but the German people."

I saw a white woman (I knew it was a white woman, because it was a Facebook comment) proclaim the following about Jay-Z's pro-Hillary outreach to black voters:

They were also blowing a shofar (which is a ram's horn that's part of traditional Jewish religious ritual), and white right-wing Christians engaging in fundamentalist Judeophilia has got to be one of the worst forms for cultural appropriation.

"Everyone knows that protesting the government makes you a patriot"

I think the former (although maybe the filmmakers didn't necessarily realize they were shedding a light on that issue).

Likewise, Stephen King's works are at least as much science fiction as they are fantasy or horror.

I suspect it was something exactly like that.

"much as we get over the outside scenes in Fawlty Towers"

"It’s a common misconception that film began as recording technology and then blossomed into something more as the novelty wore off. There was an art to it from the beginning."