Benjamin Sapiens

If I see you in the street and call you "fatty fatty fat fat," that is both an act of prejudice and an act of discrimination.

Sneering at people for using words incorrectly does nothing to stop the "dumbing down" of language - especially when the person was actually using them correctly all along.

"He's clearly trying to say that he has never acted negatively towards someone based on race, gender, etc., even though he may have said things."

If he wants to claim that he's never been bigoted against minority groups, wearing facial hair that makes him look like a 16th century Spaniard is probably not the best look for him.


"This is dumb and whoever wrote it doesn't get horror games"

This is why I've always objected to those "Darwin" bumper stickers (the Christian fish logo but with legs and the word "Darwin" in the middle) because they imply that evolution and Christianity are mutually enemies and that no Christians believe in evolution. Also, they're insulting to people who are Christians but

This was a great little article. I have a pretty good aptitude for understanding scientific concepts, but I do appreciate a scientific phenomenon explained in very simple, easy-to-understand way.

No, really, that's what "Clue" is actually originally called. "Cluedo." They renamed it for the North American market.

This occurred in Britain, so it would be the game of Cluedo.

There was one trailer for "Attack of the Clones" that asked "Who da man?" And then showed a clip of CGI Yoda wielding a lightsaber and replied, "Yoda man."

I saw a trailer for "Serenity" on TV before it came out … I'd never seen "Firefly" (I'd wanted to, but I didn't have cable, and it went off the air before I got a chance to have anyone record any episodes for me), but I'd heard it was getting a movie sequel and I was a bit excited for that.

I agree with the "science fantasy" categorization - I came to the same conclusion and the same term myself a while ago - but I'd say "Who" is as much "sci-fi" as it is "sci-fantasy," since it takes interesting concepts and explores them, rather than just using them as background for the action like "Star Wars" does.

O'Rourke is a conservative - but he's sane enough to know that Trump simply utterly unfit to be president.

They can't do that! They're on different sides of the anti-Semitic/Judeo-phillic right-wing divide!

The trouble, though, would have been Paul Ryan, who is a tassel-shoed weasel whose claim to fame was writing a mock budget which horribly screwed over the poor. Hard to say how much influence he'd have had in the administration.

As PJ O'Rourke said about Hillary while endorsing her: "She’s wrong about absolutely everything - but she’s wrong within normal parameters.”

"Fully done with that sesspool. AV is getting close."

Slightly off topic, but it long ago occurred to me that Mos Eisley is actually incredibly tame, at least from what we see in the movies.