But these people don't actually care about the economy.
But these people don't actually care about the economy.
"smug liberals calling them dumb and racist isn't going to bring them around"
True, but that applies even more to Trump supporters by something approaching an order of magnitude.
I think the less obviously abusive-toward-predators Zootopia told a more honest story.
"African stereotype in space"? No, silly that culture was extremely similar to the culture of Song Dynasty China; the characters specifically mentioned that fact. /s
He's got Ellen Page-levels of "looks WAY younger than he actually is" going on.
Jeopardy, actually. Since he retired about a year ago, we've gotten into the habit of watching it together most nights.
I was terrified of clowns from the moment I first saw one until I was, I dunno, four or five or so? I didn't want to go to parades because there might be clowns there. Once, I was persuaded to go to a parade, but Mom had to look out for clowns and tell me when they were coming so I could close my eyes until they were…
It's worth noting that the demagogue in "All the King's Men" is more of a tax-and-spend New Deal Democrat. I don't recall him resorting to xenophobia or scapegoating of minorities at any point, even though the story takes place in the South during the Depression.
What timezone are you guys in?
A moderate improvement over the CGI depiction of The Rock as the Scorpion King in "The Mummy Returns."
Hell, even the CGI *old* Melisandre is noticeably fake, and Got has some of the very best special effects possible.
Tangendentally: where, exactly, do we draw the line at what can and what cannot be a Gem on Steven Universe?
Yeah, the whole concept on which "Toy Story" is built is utterly horrifying when you think about it, but that can be said of many children's stories, especially those that involve anthropomorphism.
I'd say they're the opposite of the Chewbacca Mask Mom - they aren't merely amusing, they've actually got some depth and quality to them.
That is amazing and I'm so glad you posted this.
"I missed Iron Man 2 more or less by accident, my first real pass on a Marvel movie was Ant Man, which I still haven't seen."
"Winter Soldier" is probably the best of all the Marvel movies, in my opinion, so yeah, you definitely picked the wrong one to skip.