
I can see that, I always thought the homoerotic undertones of some of the Q episodes were great.

ahh good lookin' out. I didn't think about it as being "the cosmos" I think I interpreted it as the stuff you see when you rub your eyes, like what Coulson was seeing when the brain scanner machine was on.

"Does the cellist love me?"
"Can cellists really love?"
image search "cellist naked woman"

I am getting ready to be let down: The Clairvoyant is a sentient computer program that evolved from a copy of Snood on a computer full of viruses.

I would go skip season one and two except for the Q and Borg episodes, one of which has both.

I would vote Data, there's that one episode where he replaces all the isolinear chips super fast, and he has a phaser that could disintegrate people. Plus if Data lost, Worf would avenge his death.

I've been trying to go through them on and off when I have nothing else to watch, when it is good it is amazing, when it is bad it is baaaaaaaaaaad.

I liked Ealy as the "beautiful caramel man" (might not be an exact Hank Moody quote) from Californication.

yeah that's what I meant I wanted to be a little vague in case people hadn't seen it (ten year old television spoilers?)

Or Jax from Mortal Kombat.

I got the any rich guy thing…but it seemed like all she really needed was someone who could touch the internet for her.

I think it is less her (or the guy who plays Ward), but the editing and shot construction. There are times when it feels a little like the old Batman series.

I made a joke the last episode that if they say Tahiti is magical place one more goddamn time I'm done with this show.

I assumed the nuclear test town thing was an homage to the fake anachronistic house they built for Captain America…and they needed to get rid of some mannequins.

I was actually going to joke that if Coulson was an LMD, Almost Human and SHIELD are at about the same place technologically.

It seems like he's toned it way down. It felt at one point it was a good soundtrack for a different show. ie one about superheroes. If you listen to the fanfare for the Marvel logo in Thor 2 it makes more sense.

I don't mind if people "come back" or don't die but there has to be a price.

Yes like Section 31 on Star Trek DS9. They were compelling because they were maintaining order in the galaxy because of some ambiguity in the prime directive.

Agree! I could stand Victoria Hand if something she did actually turned out good, or "going off book" and ignoring the prime directive wasn't somehow part of every episode.

The fight with Ward and the Extremis guy was cool. That was the only one that really needed to be in the episode.