Benjamin Rosenstock

I LOVED this episode. It was genuinely really, really funny, and there were so many moments that were actually sweet. Cam's praising Mitchell at the end was more sensitive than usual, as was Jay taking Spanish classes for Gloria. I loved all the Andy & Phil scenes, and all the Andy & Haley scenes, and the tag just


No idea why, but all the horror/whore mix-ups in that one scene made me laugh a lot. (Paraphrasing, "Our yard's full of dead whores.")

Pretty solid! I didn't really detect an 'incestuous streak' with Luke and Haley, though. I enjoyed the 'hoe' joke even if it was easy, but for some reason the part that really made me laugh was when Haley said something like, "She wasn't talking about me! …Were you?"

Totally agree.

I enjoy that this season has been fairly light so far compared to past seasons; there were actually a couple jokes and light-hearted moments in this episode that lent it some much-needed levity. I particularly liked Sasha and Bob's optimist game, and Carol saying "no" after Darryl dropped the jug of water. Also, I

Huh. I'd give this an A-. Great momentum and actual story lines that don't make me want to punch the characters (Blaine and Kurt actually calmly resolve their problems). This reset could make the show pretty good again.

Didn't really like this one, and I love Louis C.K. I loved Kate in the cold open, and the monologue, and Kyle Mooney's sketch, but not much else. For whatever reason, I can't get into that baby skit, as much as I appreciate the genuine talent.

I guess I'm gonna be the first person to say this is a refreshing article after Phil's lame ones. Not to bash on him, but this was very well thought-out and sincere. Thanks.

True. It was a pretty funny juxtaposition, actually, between the very hot Andrew & Mellie scene, and the extremely un-erotic Huck & Quinn scene.

Really, really great episode. Pretty much every scene was awesome. One of the first A's of the season, for me.

I didn't actually think this was one of the funnier episodes of the season, but I really liked all the plots (especially Ben's earlier hinted-at respect for Jerry returning) and the reappearance of Ann, of course.