Benjamin Light

They picked the wrong trailer to mashup; the Ballroom Blitz one is an over-edited kludge. This is how it's done:…

I would say that Season 4's non-A significant other worked much better than in season 3, where it all got taken back without any real repercussions. Ezra might not be A, but he's a for real creep (well, he always was, but…) and Aria knows it now. Of course, she'll probably take him back eventually because she's insane


The mysterious figure isn't trying to kill them, it's playing with them, torturing them. Though, there are other parties with murderous intent.

In the show, they're still in the fall of their senior year. Each season of the show takes place over only a few weeks or months.

PLL is a great show. It gets overlooked by most of the TV bloggeratti because of it's teen fanbase, but it's much more clever than people give it credit for.

"Peggy has been a frustrating character this season—bitter and envious and grasping."

Oh good, they brought back the incredibly bland girl who wears flower dresses which are supposed to make her mysterious and idiosyncratic or something. This show is awful. I think it's actually gotten worse, they just have more plot to lampshade the bad writing with lately. The "romantic tension" between Simmons and

And she crushes it as Ms. Marin

Hand is so clearly, stupidly, not the Clairvoyant. I don't know how anyone could come away from this episode thinking that. She's May's handler. Also, someone needs to explain to the SHIELD writers that clairvoyant =/= mind reader. This show is so embarrassing. So bad. The real Clairvoyant is obviously Triplette, who