Benjamin Bear

The commentary bit they played was so good. Listening to him go from being proud of the movie to telling us we can fast forward within about a minute's time was amazing.

"Being a chef made me forget I have a micropenis" is fucking amazing

Seriously I like to give these shows the benefit of the doubt but 3 straight seasons of white boy finales is just rediculous. Especially when the semi finalist of each season is basically a carbon copy, loud mouth, technically skilled chunk monster.

I watched 'Casting By' over the weekend and Taylor Hackford can fuck himself, smug asshole. By his logic there shouldn't be editing or cinematography Oscars either because they are also just 'carrying out the director's vision'. Pretty much every A/B list American actor from the 50's-70's was discovered by Marion

"The coolest musical band is the Chemical Brothers" had me dying

I know nothing on NBC gets good ratings but if someone there pitched getting the rights to a 4 year old Australian show with almost no names and airing it Thursday nights at 8 he would probably get laughed out of the room.

Yeah I didn't realize as I was watching which makes it such an amazing coincidence because it still feels so on the nose.

Do you do gross Polaroids?