Initially, the school was on Gavin’s side. It wasn’t until a group of asshole parents complained and called him a freak during an open school board meeting on the subject that the school changed its stance.
Initially, the school was on Gavin’s side. It wasn’t until a group of asshole parents complained and called him a freak during an open school board meeting on the subject that the school changed its stance.
I think you’re right. From the article, it sounds like the SC is trying to get the appeals court (or possibly more than one) to think through the issues in light of the changed directives and to issue a ruling, which the SC can then review. The case is still likely to end up going to the SC, but they want lower courts…
Nope, the suit is Gavin Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board.
With the way these attacks have been turning out, I am guessing the suspect was drunk, high or both.
A survey that only has shitty response choices will produce shitty statistics.
This sort of shit has been on the rise in our country, sadly. Just the other day an Islamic centre/mosque was torched in Tarana. My old mosque, Khalid bin Walid, just off the 409 on Belfield, used to get bomb threats every week after 9/11. My mom pulled us out of Quranic classes when the so-manyth threat came in.
It resembles the crime in Missouri? It more than resembles it, it’s the exact same template. This country elected a virulently racist puppet controlled by an actual nazi and backed by a borderline xenophobic regime in Russia thereby emboldening every shitstain like this shooter and the one in Missouri. The…
“Would it help if I said ‘stop’? I mean, does that help? Fine. Stop it.” Olive branches to at-risk communities abound.
I’d sure as shit hope it’s being investigated as a hate crime. Demanding someone to ‘Go back to your country’ and then shooting them is what a hate crime is.
She dumped a drink on the guy who beat her. Then she left--why did Vick need ‘defending’? Who follows a woman across a parking lot, screaming at her, and then keeps her from leaving by standing behind her blocked-in car and kicks it hard enough to damage it?
Hey here’s a fun thing; consider what kind of world we’d be living in if 2009 had opened with the following headlines.
I read Graham’s statements more as an indictment of Trump’s corruption, as in “if the evidence was so blatant that a judge was willing to grant them a warrant, this guy must be doing some pretty shady shit.”
So in his frenzy to misdirect away from all of the garbage we already know he has done, he has accidentally pointed us towards something even worse that he has done.
How deep is the shit FBI Director Comey in, if he knew Trump was committing treason & helped throw the election for him?
This is a whopper of a mistake by Trump. The Feds had him (and his mob family) under investigation for some time, with respect to Russian money laundering. A year ago, they sought a FISA warrant to wiretap Trump Tower but the judge refused it for insufficient evidence.
I said this on a previous article, but I do think his freaking out about this and members of his campaign the past few days all of a sudden remembering meetings with the Russian ambassador lead me to believe they found out there was a FISA warrant.
Or, conversely, a wiretap — FISA or otherwise — was authorized, which means a judge found probably cause of wrongdoing in the first place.
“but not exactly egregious or abnormal for a 19-year-old kid.”
Counterpoint: it’s is quite literally abnormal.
If your first reaction to someone dumping a drink on your friends head is to follow them to their car, menace them so they can’t leave, and do damage to their property you might need some social skills/life coaching. I understand 19-year-olds do dumb shit, however we do not know the circumstances of why the drink was…