
He is a human shit stain who lives for the praise of other shit stains.

Exactly. This is pure racist spite that will hurt the economy and destroy hundreds of thousands of families for no discernible upside. I think it’s time to admit that Trump is a white nationalist and his party is a white nationalist party. The GOP can’t even hide behind “law and order” on this one- it’s just

I don’t personally love the style of either Rachel’s or Lawrence’s show, but both daily put their names on precise reporting and critical commentary respectively, and that’s really as far as any corporate news media goes in the direction of objectivity.

that’s a glib tidy summary.

Oh hello! You’re still here too! Not sure why I decided to drop back in after away so long, but here we are. Have I missed anything in the last 6 months?

That’s fair. I’m looking at lobby investments in politicians from both parties, not their previous voting records, and I believe that can influence some dems and regulators to avoid a really robust defense of the current regulations, even if they aren’t introducing counter legislation themselves.

You’re certainly right about that.

Consumers paying for speed they should get for free isn’t really an “open” internet any more than poor people getting locked into a slow lane on public infrastructure they collectively paid for through their government is “open”. But beyond that, if your service provider wants to further restrict your free use of said

No, I don’t think those viewership circles intersect, lol. I think people simply tune out if the tone and narrative of the program isn’t compelling or comforting to them in their immediate political reality/context.

You will want it back when or if a reasonable man regains control of the Executive Branch.

Agreed. The network built itself as a generally anti-government and specifically anti-Obama propaganda outlet for 8 years, and didn’t seem to anticipate that this strategy isn’t transferable to a GOP presidency and control of all branches of government. Ditto the GOP itself, who forgot that governing- as opposed to

Snapshot of a country divided.

Rachel Maddow beat Hannity in ratings this month, after the two have been neck-and-neck most of the spring and summer. They can add this vile tart or any other novelty feature or stunt to the program they wish, but this is the longer term trend that scares FOX. He’s losing because people actually prefer plain old

It’s a very compelling and comforting fantasy version of police.

When Trump talks about “law and order” he is never talking about justice. He’s really talking about the capricious, sadistic and *illegal* use of power and violence against vulnerable minorities, writ large by poster boy Arpaio. In truth, the opposite of justice.

Everyone who has walked in space is impressive. I don’t think the point of this article is to suggest that anyone else mentioned was not impressive. It’s celebrating someone’s achievement, and that person happens to be a woman.

I guess when you work with a bunch of dishonest cutthroat sadists, there’s slightly less cooperation.

To be fair, I’ve done this before. Don’t you ever put on two different shoes to see which will go better with your outfit and then get distracted and forget? Same with earrings.

I know; he’s downright bashful. For context:

I think one is actually a medical boot, but I didn’t know that when I posted this earlier. I mean, is it really unbelievable that he’s that out of sorts? Not really, imo.