
I thought it was almost endearing when he accidentally wore two different shoes Monday. Buddy is LOSING it.

a former commissioner said to bring back military style training

Absolutely. The problems are human resource problems; recruitment, training, discipline, and transparency. Technological “solutions” to human problems exacerbate human problems. New toys will not fix toxic community relationships and attitude problems. It will amplify them. But try selling community policing models,

I don’t see how my description is sadistic, Randian, a fantasy, or ironic in any way. Read up on this weirdo- my characterization is not really hyperbole at all.

Garbage in, garbage out. Good police officers and departments are good because they have a good working relationship with the community they serve, including trust, communication, and accountability- it’s not about the technology they use. Giving powerful tools (or weapons, rather) to police officers and departments

Ah. Well, the vitriol just flows when it comes to certain cartoon villains, you know?

Hmm. Not sure if you have a really low bar for fun, or are with Fun Police.

Believe me: people are saying it. Is it true- I don’t know you tell me- but many, many people, veryvery good people are saying it.

Accountability is for Poors.

We took off before most of the madness this year, but saw Krewe de Vieux and Chewbacchus parades. The level of subversiveness and creativity involved in both the costumes and floats was off the chain. Recurring themes of Trump being ass-fucked and peed on, for sure. Fabulous.

“gets overly weaponized” = “people point out when we do corrupt things.”

The alpha and omega of carnivals.

Thiel’s citizenship was only revealed after an investigation into how the billionaire was able to buy so much environmentally sensitive land without going through a foreign ownership review.

Came for all-caps and sentences missing articles and conjuctions. Was not disappointed.

The liquor aisle being #1 is the only part of the ranking he got correct. Produce last? Pfft. Need I remind everyone that produce isle is the cornucopia of fresh colorful deliciousness, whereas the rest of the store is packages with pictures of fresh colorful deliciousness? Cereal, aisle before cheese? Before

The kicker? He doesn’t even pay for his own phone;

As is generally the case, it’s far cheaper if you buy whole animals, and learn how to use all the unusual cuts. You can end up with cheaper AND more humane AND higher quality meat, though there’s an inconvenience factor when you don’t buy meat by the serving on a little plastic wrapped foam tray. It takes some

I’d totally pay premium prices at an exploitation-free grocery store. If I could be sure that workers and the environment and food animals weren’t being exploited I would pay significantly more money, personally. I used to live in rural Canada so I could source a huge proportion of my food directly from fisheries and

The cost of a brand new iphone is $670. The median per capita healthcare cost is $10,300.

Shaming the poor for having small ticket tech items has nothing to do with “personal responsibility”; it’s about distracting from the fact that many, many people will lose healthcare coverage- which costs a hell of a lot more than a cell phone- with a dog-whistling, dehumanizing caricature of poverty. This is like