
There are so many logical contortions and so much wishful thinking in this post that I can’t even begin to address it. You are fooling yourself. Long story short, Bernie Sanders has nothing to do with the Supreme Court vacancy and his role in the progressive movement is roughly opposite to the one you supposedly

Nobody is claiming that Republican obstructionism isn’t to blame for where we are.

If you’re going to blame the situation with the Supreme court on the failure of democrats to win the election- which by the way makes no sense because the frankly racist obstructionist stance of the GOP toward Obama preceded it- it’s about as logical to singularly blame a candidate who failed to win the democratic

Wow, that’s... an incredibly tenuous thread of causality you got there. Why not blame the obstructionist republican congress, who are directly responsible for refusing to even consider Garland? Talk about “antipathy”.... 

The department of homeland security just recently released a report indicating that country of origin is a poor indicator for someone’s likelihood of becoming radicalized and committing a terrorist attack, which means this ban is pretty useless no matter which countries are on the list. I mean, apart from being cruel

No: I agree with your assessment of the situation on the SC, I just don’t follow how that involves or implicates Sanders. There’s no reason to be an asshole, I’m asking a simple question as simply and directly as I can.

It’s not a simple process, and not every state allows it. The laws concerning trans citizens’ rights are a hodgepodge of inconsistent and conflicting state laws and anti-civil rights bills currently in state legislatures. That’s why it would have been good for the Supreme Court to make a clear and final ruling on this

This is your weekly reminder that Bernie Sanders fucked the progressive movement for the next generation.

Grimm’s name is legally changed, so maybe his birth certificate was also changed at the same time.

Or just stupid and hateful, and offered social license to manifest their violent ideology by the highest office in the land;

Is there a description of the suspect and vehicle? Would be helpful to include those if the point is to actually find this fucker.

And pyramid scheme. Anything that requires passing through stages of commitment or investment to hear the Big Deal Secret usually is.

Sadly, this is one issue where Canada is decades behind the U.S. Conviction rates are pathetic in most jurisdictions (and of course worse in every measure for First Nations victims) and there’s still a lot of judges on the bench who don’t adhere to the whole concept of consent.

Those who use their own children or other female family members for the basis of their objection to crimes against women are also telling the world that they are incapable of empathy beyond their own genetic kin. The “As the father of two daughters I find this offensive” gaggle of apologist pundits demonstrated during

Wouldn’t it be refreshing if for once, someone who said something really stupid and wrong simply said; “What I said was stupid and wrong” instead of trying to hedge it, justify it, double down on it, pretend the words meant something else, or otherwise piss on our legs and tell us it’s raining?

No no, you see instead of being racists or Nazis, they call people racist and punch Nazis- which is just as bad if not worse, if you subscribe to the mindset that we could all get along if everyone would just be polite and respectable.

Ya he’s a real security “expert”:

they believe he then tried to make it look like his victim was trying to frame him for the crimes.

“What, little old me? The Russians? Oh, you mean those Russians. Well, darnit, I plumb forgot- yes I did talk to them. Silly me, oopsie-daisy Aunty Maisey!”

Ya maybe Congress should have listened to Coretta Scott King by way of Elizabeth Warren and saved themselves the embarrassment of a self-perjuring AG.