

Well he didn’t make that argument; he shit on the idea of a scholarship as unfair within a comment shitting on unions, which is sort of like proposing straight-up communism within a comment dismissing socialist...

Rick (YesOKYES) is a troll and horrible POS. He got us with his “but I’m just asking questions” routine, but his point was always to get to the “women are subhuman incubators” part. I’m just dismissing him now- there’s no point in trying to have a rational discussion with a sadistic liar with MASSIVE mommy issues.

All idiot, no savant.

In this thread we’re not talking about the government, we’re talking about Susan Sarandon, but if you think the Assad “regime represents secular, sovereign, multiconfessional Syria” you’re as misinformed as she is; the Assad regime slaughtered tens of thousands of citizens, with chemical weapons and in mass

Assad executed untold thousands of people at his prisons without trials; he’s an inhumane dictator of the lowest order. Anyone who supports his regime is not on “the left” as far as I know the left- concerned with extending human rights and protecting the sanctity of civic society. These people are “far-left” in the

Nah, it’s all here. It has nothing to do with me. You are on your own, boy.

your scholarship wasn’t provided by the pipefitter’s union. It was provided by every other union member whose dues funded it at the expense of their own family.

Hey shit-for-brains; I can’t fathom how you think I am somehow accountable to explain your foolishness to you: no one else is responsible for other people’s reactions the flippant entitlement you display under your own goddamned name. You don’t know me, I don’t know you: fuck off.

Based on some of the other cartoons by this hateful ghoul that folks have posted here, I’m not really going out on a limb to say there’s not a sorry cell in his body. This is his whole shtick.

Hey there! I went to university on a scholarship from my dad’s pipefitters union, the one that provided a middle class upbringing to our family in spite of my dad’s lack of a college degree. Besides your hamfisted comment, what does this have to do with illegal immigration?

What. the. FUCK?

I don’t think this is appropriate for white children either. A poorly worded math problem is not the context for anyone to learn about the horrors of slavery.

And he’s adding to that toxicity. For profit.


Their situations are basically diametrically opposed.

“I regret if anyone was offended by my choice of metaphors but...”

Unions also enable workers to bargain as a group, so they can have an actual effect on working conditions and pay, which individual workers cannot exercise any power over. I haven’t worked for a union, but many of the positive standards I enjoy were achieved by the collective bargaining of unions. If you enjoy

One of the more jarring and unsettling revelations in that 1980's interview where Trump talks about nuclear weapons (currently looking for a link) was the fact that he used to speak in complete sentences.

I’m pretty sure there’s an exception for Jewish people who are complicit or actively supportive of the coming Apocalyptic Holy War, and subsequent rapture.