
Same goes for every Western country, but that hasn’t changed the degree to which the economy relies on immigration, or the fact that home-grown white supremacist terrorists are responsible for far more violence, but the government has ceased to monitor them at all. This statement was made when the U.S. was a

“The confidential divorce proceedings of Mr. O’Reilly and Ms. McPhilmy have been the subject of numerous articles in the past,” the newer filing argues, “resulting in unwanted media attention and extreme emotional distress to Mr. O’Reilly and Ms. McPhilmy’s minor children.2

That may be so, but it doesn’t mean that these companies are playing the same part they were in the Obama administration just because the administration hasn’t “told them to fuck off”.

For context:

Taking an agnostic, “wait and see” stance doesn’t make sense when a Muslim registry is on the table, when the administration is going ahead and both “seriously” and “literally” attempting a Muslim refugee ban. If you want to be completely naive and pretend that Bannon, Theil and other white nationalists in the

Funny how countries embroiled in civil wars seem to lack functional governments. Funny how such wars tend to produce refugees fleeing for their lives. Funny how the U.S. is ignoring its own role in destabilizing these same countries it now cruelly blocks refugees from.  

As Matt pointed out, the Trump administration is not open to advice in the least; they have their ideology and the policy objectives to fulfill it coming from a tight inner circle. What they’re looking for collaborators, and IBM is clearly ready to provide them with the technological means to implement their vision.

I think there’s an important place for both. The pure mockery from SNL- specifically Melissa McCarthy’s perfect Spicer- is clearly getting under their skin, and it’s accessible to everyone regardless of how closely you follow politics and where you fall on the spectrum. Oliver’s exegesis humor is a balm for those of


That’s not “banned”; that just happens to everyone who isn’t regularly followed. If you’re banned, you can’t post at all.

Link below, but everyone here can stand to exercise some critical thinking/reading skills, such as googling the quote for yourselves, and checking out the history of the person posting, all there in the open for you to read, OK?

No, he was talking about an impoverished, vulnerable, backwater confederacy ravaged by civil war, not the richest most dominant nation in world history. So that’s good to remember.

As far as I can tell we’re all on The List babe, we just can’t be too sure of the pecking order, which plays to the fascists’ favor.

I never left, just periodically ungreyed

Congress seems complacent to twiddle their thumbs and ignore mounting evidence of collusion with the Russians by several of Trump’s proxies during the election, but the Vegas odds are now even on the prospect of his impeachment in this term.

Well said. The myopia of anti-trans gay people is really hard to understand, and depressing as hell.

Lincoln on immigration;

In all seriousness, we’d never be as lucky as that.

Du Bois/Douglass 2020!