you could learn to laugh a little. it was just a dumb joke. relax, "nutjob".
you could learn to laugh a little. it was just a dumb joke. relax, "nutjob".
But it's not apple and apple is the bestest most friendliest company ever and they make the bestest stuff eva eva eva and YOU SHOULD NOT buy anything from mSoft b/c they're bad men.
Also, it's not apple and we don't like things that aren't apple because apple sends us shit and we get tech-boners for that. plus when we go to the coffee shop with our apple gear girls think we're oh so cool and then they make eye contact with us and we get real boners. messy laundry however. oh apple, you…
Chill out RedTaco, you're being an insecure yuppie pu$$y-fart.
this story is not about APPLE enough. do the borg have a cure?
This is stupid logic. They can't sell their bonds in bulk. Because doing so would ruin any investment they have in the securities. It would ruin them as well. Actually it would ruin a symbiotic system. Totally hate this Glenn Beck trash idea... you're soo educated Mephistocat. So snarky too. Everyone watch out…
THIS ARTICLE NEEDS TO SULK MORE. All non-AAPL promoting articles do not get exclamation points !!!. Well noted.
Why doesn't Giz treat the titles to articles about Apple's Maps app with same sort of hysteria? Toolboxes. Pseudo-journalists that rip off endgaget and techcrunch.
... but not the total cost Sam. Subsidies are hidden costs. If you really wanted to compare, you'd have to look at Apple's input cost. But hey, apple amazing apple amazing apple amazing.
Anyone know if Giz is on Apple's payroll? Its like a douche factory, production at full capacity anymore. Apple will apparently save all.
douchiest article ever on this site. becoming a cheap tabloid
it's a tech site, not a apple site, so he's probably expecting to read about all sorts of stuff. what are you doing here? oh you cursed, must be a big guy.
Strangerpeople is spot on. Giz / Jesus Diaz want you to be influenced for Apple's benefit. Super-douchey.
Oh so it s a profit thing? Romney 2012!
what a bunch of police-state douche bags. when are we going to realize that this ridiculousness is severely empowering people who do not deserve it or plan to use it for good. those wire-taps without court-orders?... just a start. frank this.
Gizmodo is getting annoying. Every measurable passage of time has less and less to do with technology and more and more just sending valentine's to Apple.