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    Good point. At the same time, if the choice is between turning wrenches on a Lambo, or golfing... roll that toolbox over here!

    Good writeup, and I agree. I drove an A series back in 2007 and it was actually reasonably pleasant.

    Let's not forget that we also spend a lot of our money muzzling scientific and political debate and trying to force through legislation that allows government and police to spy on citizens without cause, as well as buying military equipment we don't need without ensuring it will actually work, not to mention the fact

    Spectacular, but so heavy.

    It wouldn't be the right thing to do, but if this happened to me, I'd be enjoying a couple of Molotov cocktails in the new owner's driveway right about now...

    I literally laughed out loud. Good thing my wife didn't hear me, 'cause I'm not sure I could explain...

    Despite all the comedy in the comments here, there are some nice items of clothing on display. But I don't have a Jeep, so I guess I'm not really the target market...

    "That looks like a great spot to take a dump. Let's go there."

    "I'd flick the hair out of my eyes, but I'm too busy fondling your buttocks."

    "Those mushrooms we found just off the trail were fucking amazing."

    I think the 03-04 D2 is the best looking of the bunch, but if it's a question of ownership, I'd probably take a D3/LR3.

    I think it has something to do with a certain percentage of the the rear surface area must be red, no? Maybe the laws vary from state to state, and the only way to make sure they're compliant is a simple red signal?

    Cadillacs are basically sofas on wheels, right? CHESTERFIELD BROWN!

    You might not be interested in the size of my car, but I know you're interested in the size of its tail!

    The first thing I thought about when I saw all those headlights? The chick from Total Recall with three boobs.

    One feature of a coupé car is a lower roof, because the pillars have been cut short (coupé = cut, in French). While the Sport might not be a two-door variant, it's essentially identical to the regular RR, just with a lower roof.

    Technically, the Range Rover Sport is a "coupé" in comparison to the standard model...

    I'm not looking to buy any bridges, but I've been searching many years now for some oceanfront property in Arizona. If you have some for sale, let me know! :)

    That's the thing about conspiracy theory nutjobs, and about sarcasm in written form: you can never be too sure.

    The Jalopnik article is a plant by Big Oil to deflect attention. The XL1 has never been to America, and you've gleefully accepted the lies and the Photoshopped images.