Ben Heckel

Wouldn't that be its own sort of happy ending, though? Meaning that his mind was able to kick back against the looped video of the murder vision and defy the punishment? Sounds like its the ending to a totally other movie that actually made the cryostasis sentencing the main point.

Who's to say they're not simultaneously indulging a fantasy of living in that period? "Hey guys, we're doing this, let's just go all out and basically be reenactors." "Suits me, fuck this goddamn century."

Was Beverly even mentioned once this season?

If it's anything like the help she gave Will, fuck that. Nah, I'm still behind the Will/Ardelia support group.

I actually thought it was a missed opportunity to not have the first episode/episode-and-a-half of the Red Dragon arc have the exhaustive procedural stuff—things like the incident from the book where they visit Mr. Parsons—and Will absolutely fighting tooth-and-nail to not need Hannibal. But they can't catch a break.

In what way would that be an act of love toward Hannibal, who had moments before said that suicide was the enemy?

I still don't fucking understand the "extreme acts of cruelty" line.

I could've even gone for it more if they'd been more clear with what the draw is for Will, but I thought that the pull Hannibal had early on with the "Oh my God, someone fucking understands me and isn't judging me!" thing was followed up with the deaths of Beverly Katz and Abigail Hobbs, and it seems like too much

There is a thread here of the people getting the shaft while the main characters are up dicking around in God's territory. Reba, Molly and Walter, Margo and the baby (is there a name I'm forgetting?), and Chilton, all churned up in the wake of this Becoming shit. The inattention there is the series's biggest failure

The first scene of season 4 is Jack sitting on his porch, staring off into space as "The Sound of Silence" plays.

But wasn't the point of blindfolding and driving him out to who-knows-where an attempt to get him away from that setting?

And that's really bugging me. Earlier on the murkiness of Will's headspace worked so well because it was still exploring and expanding what we get in the book. It's taking that concept of this person of total empathy, isolated because of that, finally having someone who can grasp that and relate, and it turns out that

At this point I'm really rooting for someone to do just that.

But since that time he's had his guts taken out of him in front of his eyes by Gideon, been shot through the face, and attempted to be the Nick Fury to a Hannibal-hunting task force. Some penance/goodwill has been built since then, I think.

I was totally with Will on that line, though. Hannibal's charm buffer has been thoroughly used up, and especially in the context of the attack (as opposed to just the discovered message in the Tattler causing them to hole up), that line makes perfect sense here. That conversation and Jack's "Hannibal's having his fun"

"A good finger-wagging isn't the only thing I like!"

Ray! Look around you, can you construct some sort of rudimentary lathe?

You know, either way Fuller wanted a break after season 3, tackle American Gods, get the scripts together right. Amazon can always change their damn minds.

Oh, good call.

Wasn't season 4 going to be something between RD and Silence? Or the back half Silence like RD was the back half of this season?