Ben Heckel

You can pinpoint to the second the moment that Littlefinger's balls got the idea that maybe his lungs needed some company.

Wes Anderson's "The Shining."

What's wrong with Better Call Saul?

"I want that purple stuff…"

"And the crowd…goes…wild." MacGyver grins, immediately gets shot in the face.


You guys got screwed.

It's okay with me.

I got to see it for the first time a couple months ago, and had the good fortune of seeing it in a well-attended theater screening. The whole thing is an insane treat, but a highlight was definitely getting to experience the Hulk Hogan gag with a responsive, cheering audience.

Goddamn do I want a blu ray release of that film with the theatrical version and the original PG-13 intended version/workprint.

I think Pat Boone speaks for us all at 1:39.

I think this is where the real ambiguity of the film is (certainly not in whether anything supernatural is actually going on). I think the display notion makes the most sense. It would be even easier to chalk up Caleb's indefinite disappearance to wolves or some such natural danger than Sam's, who just disappeared.

The whole ending is tragically horrific, but that final shot is hauntingly so.

Interesting point there.


Before seeing the film I read a number of comments about Cartwright as the "crazy, uptight busybody," but she's actually a much more sympathetic and nuanced character than that, and she and Jenkins lend a whole lot of poignancy to their role in the story. There's a great little moment when he's visiting her in the

Yeah, Lucas can do some silly names, but I can't believe he wasn't taking the piss on that one, if it's true.

They still totally have the freedom to play around with the "bring the two timelines together" idea they had thought of for Evil Dead 4.