Benguin the Albatross

Somebody needs to practice UFO on Tape more.

I'm gonna stick this in the "no shit" file. Seems to me like if you double the amount of glass on the product you're gonna have double the chance to break it.

I want one of those at my next birthday party.

I don't want to be "that guy," but that's a really old quote. I think around when he was making the first Kill Bill.

That's pretty fantastic. I noticed the update earlier this afternoon, but they didn't have a changelog listed. I figured it was just bugfixes or whatever.

I absolutely recommend his "documentary," Exit Through the Gift Shop. Great movie.

Damn, so this whole time I've pointing my phone at bee hives for naught.

Still don't care. Still delicious.

While I don't have anything against the idea of a Verizon iPhone, I wish people would stop talking about it. I'll believe it when I see it.

Is this a new issue? In the 2.5 years I've been using iPhones I've never had a problem with it adjusting to DST. The system clock resyncs itself with the cellular network and everything is good by morning.

I see this book all the time at Barnes and Noble.

Wow, why hasn't anyone thought of that before?

No backlit screen means you're sure to be eaten by a Grue.

"Beefing up the president may be justifiable because he's both a basketball player and, you know, the president;"

@gemcosta: Yeah, I didn't upgrade until well after that was patched. And my old first gen iPhone was already jailbroken so I didn't need to.

@OCEntertainment: I will counter with a classic Shit My Dad Says gem:

@gemcosta: I'd like to know more about this app. Granted, I can't even jailbreak my iPhone 4 yet, but sooner or later...