Benguin the Albatross

@pantsonfireliarliar: Sometimes Stars are stingy with their promotions and would rather repeat something (especially jokes) than promote someone who already said it first.

@danielblakes: I'm pretty sure the idea is to discourage you from replying to those posts in the first place. It's frustrating, but you have to learn restraint and just let people be wrong sometimes.

@KamWrex: Pretty sure those show up for everyone. And the star mouse-over thing has always been there. Go on, try it. Doesn't do anything for us common folk.

Part of me has always secretly wanted one of those in-store displays to hold my console and TV. Just with detachable controllers.

@loosejello: God knows I've done that more than a few times trying to plug something in under my desk without looking. It's fairly unpleasant.

Or if you have a wired 360 controller, you don't need an adapter at all. :D

@Spanone: Aha, I knew I'd seen this effect somewhere before. Someone slightly more industrious than I could probably make this themselves for far cheaper.

The sentry is pretty clever.

Seems like more trouble than it's worth, but it does look really neat and i enjoyed his trial-and-error fabrication process.

@kevinv85: That's what I was thinking. I always pour some water in my cooler with the ice along with a bit of salt. Works wonders.

Years ago when I was setting up our wifi one of our neighbors had a network called "Charlie's Fan Club." I was tempted to name ours "We Hate Charlie," but I decided against it.

Say what you will, I loved my Virtual Boy. I have two of them packed away in storage somewhere.

Now apologize for these.

Now could somebody explain to me why the light in my kitchen panty takes so friggin' long to turn on? At best it takes about three seconds from the time I flip the switch, but I've seen it take up to 20. I literally flipped the switch, walked in, grabbed what I needed, walked out, and the light still wasn't on.

@Frosted Mini-Wheats: Correction: his motivations are kicking ass and chewing bubblegum.

For those that just saw the picture and left it at that, I recommend reading the actual article. It's a pretty insightful piece about how we overlook the wonder in our lives.

Oh yeah, I've been doing that Airplane mode thing since I got my first 2G iPhone. Seemed instinctual to me after from years of "turn the router off, turn the router on" troubleshooting.

Two things:

I wish I could play around with Swype, but as far as I can tell there's nothing like it available for iPhone. Bummer.

Now playing

My ex used to do this every so often. It's geeky while still being tasteful.