Ben Groom

Happy Thanksgiving. As a Brit, may I just say that you're all invited to my traditional Thanksgiving, where I will kill you and steal your land!

Now Yu See(quel) Me would have worked too!

It would be a shame if you didn't! Can't Stop, Won't Stop is one of the best non fiction books I have had the good fortune to read. I only bought it on a whim as it was cheap in a record store too!

Doogie Howser references will never be outdated.

I read the first 50 or so… must have missed it on those. Thank you for pointing out my error. I am glad that there are wise and sage protectors of discussion on the interweb, who keep it such a friendly and engaging place to be. Really. I shall remember this exchange for ever. I am touched, much like most of the 10

I hate to be the corrective pedant, but COBRA is a real thing! It's the British Government's emergency assembly- Cabinet Office Briefing Room A, where they assemble when a national crisis happens!…
It doesn't say much for the English being good people that we are essentially Bond villains…

Clearly flawed. I love Lil Wayne and Beethoven. Am I an idiot savant? Also… no intelligent person chooses to listen to U2. Fact.

The Scandal inclusion is a bit unfair. I look forward to the investigative soul montage every week!