Ben Gay After

It will be perfect if the lesbians end up killing Women’s TAF. Nobody except a narrow cadre of lesbians will pay to see the penis-growing Caster Semenya compete as a “woman.” “She” is a fraud- a man who called herself a “woman” to win money running races. I can’t wait to hear the lesbians blame men for this somehow.

Ahh, yes. The distant Jewish homosexual blogosphere knows the man better than anyone who actually knows him knows him. Reminds me of the jewfaggot Nate Silver ignoring the actual polls to say Trump could never win.

Agreed. In the highlight above, notice Green constantly go thru and block every OKC player within 15 feet of Curry.

It’s a shame the bases weren’t loaded else that would have been a Grand Shamma-Lamma.

Boise will be boys.

And with the first pick in the 2016 NBA Fantasy Draft, ‘Ben Gay After’ selects James Harden of the Houston Rockets.


Please let him go to Ole Miss so I can riff:

“Is it why he did this?”

let alone the “decriminalization” motion so otherwise-popular in here.

That’s Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition (FUBAR)

CDs Nutz

He should be held in contempt for not hiring someone to decorum his face.

I was glad I got BOFAd on that scam mortgage Countrywide gave me.

Excuse me? Apple did not have the first hard disk drive in a PC. You iPhaggots are pieces of work.

All networks hire based on attraction, and all persons become less attractive with age.

“Pro-business” doesn’t necessarily mean no suspensions. The league fixed the Spurs-Suns series in 2007 for “business” reasons by suspending Amare Stoudemire and Boris Diaw for standing up from their seats during a fight.


“What kind of odds would you give me then?”