
Are we ever going to get a schedule for this roadshow? I’ve been trying to find something definitive ever since it was announced, but all I can find is the first week in New York, then vague claims about Los Angeles (I live in L.A., but no theatre will say when or if it’s coming). The California Film Institute

I think I used too many big words and correct grammar. Bad trolling.

Drew, thank you so much for the honesty in this column. Being upfront and honest about the shitty things we’ve done is important. I have a lot of things to atone for, too, and this is inspiration to keep working on being better.

Thanks for making me question the continued abuse of my anonymity online.

Tim Tebow: [holds football]

Athletics =/= sports.

“What advantages does this war have over, say, an ethnic cleansing, which I could also afford?”

100% Charles Barkley

“Back in my day, the opposing fans would try to stab you and fuck your wife if you went into the crowd and tried to dap them up” - some former NBA player-cum-analyst. Probably.

“This game would be a lot more fun with teammates”

This whole ‘controversy’ is nonsense, and I just knew LeBatard was going to bring it today on his radio show, as he 1) routinely takes the pro-player/anti-management/anti-fan stance and 2) doesn’t mind traversing the racial minefield that is accusing a black superstar athlete of being lazy. His take in a nutshell:

I mean, I love the dude, but defense is, like, half the game.

Worst Foodspin article ever. Not one recipe for dog.

Arthur would destroy Arian Foster.

An old friend of mine was/is a TSA agent at Logan airport and told me this:

“Holy shit, Drew. You need to get a grip, man. Listen, I suspect I’m probably not you’re typical reader. 41, balding investment guy, three kids, minivan, house in the suburbs...”

I’m not getting paid for these.

I’m sure the College Republicans who invited him are thrilled that this happened, because it lets them continue to wallow in their persecution complex.


Brady was just taking some advice from one the greats: