
@Brett Wood: I'm willing to bet that my grandmother would probably open anything you sent her via email. Various other naively trusting family members too. Hopefully tech savvy people would know the dangers of this, but I'd wager that the majority of iPhone/iPad users don't fall into that category. I'm not trying to

Now available in black.

@presto117: Fair enough. So, Apple works the same as pretty much every tech company then? How enlightening. I guess I should start writing op-eds about every company I've ever worked for (some very small and others very large). Sometimes a company can't afford to put a lot of people on a low-priority project.

@somidscr21: There are Harmony remotes that are cheap that are better than any remote app you can get for your iPhone. Having real buttons alone makes it worth it. To control anything with your iPhone you will have to look at it, make sure you press the right button, go back if you don't, etc. Plus you'll have to

@Channan: It is about the remote app. The author is practically begging Apple to have someone work on it. I guess his life is really not complete without an official Apple-sanctioned remote app.

@Arken: I didn't click on it to complain. I clicked on it to read it. I complained because I wasted a click. :) Damn I just wasted another one!

And this warrants a story with a photo in the headline and everything because...? Who cares about this silly remote app? It wasn't nearly as useful as people made it out to be to begin with. I forgot about it about a week after I downloaded it. I also don't get the sudden fascination with using your iPhone as a

I love the trackpad on my MacBook Pro, I love my Logitech Performance Mouse MX. They both have their purpose, and I don't see the point of replacing either one with this item. I certainly hope that Gizmodo's vision of the future is not what ultimately comes to pass. I very well may go back to Windows if my next Mac

@Ikthog22: I guess I'm just outraged that a company whose products I had grown to love now feels content to insult my intelligence ("just don't hold it that way") and lie to me about the issue (their entire press conference and now all of the videos like this one). I'm much more concerned about that than I am about

@Ikthog22: I'm not saying you should disregard the camera. I'm saying it takes photos well enough for what it's meant for. It's photos are MUCH better than the "worse than a 2MP sensor" that the OP describes. They're certainly on par with my older 5MP Canon digital camera, if not better (although I admit you do need

@snitch: I can't reproduce what Apple claims in this video. Not even if I cover the entire phone with 2 hands. On a friend's iPhone 4, I can get the signal to drop with 1 finger on "the spot".

@senselocke: It's actually saying that the "secondary controller" isn't wireless. Kinect doesn't have even a primary controller, let alone a secondary one so how could it be wireless? Still, it is a silly comparison, as is the thing about the batteries since I'm assuming the Kinect camera-thingee plugs into an

@Dave J.: My thoughts exactly. I think ticket prices for all NYC IMAX theaters are the same regardless of whether the movies in there are 3D. You go in the IMAX theater, you pay the IMAX price.

@satirical duck hat: How about we wait and see if they deny there are problems and don't offer any fix or even acknowledgment for 22 days before we do that.

@iphone_myphone: Dude ease up on the ellipses. Again, you're talking about product defects that just happen from time to time. Sometimes products get a bad batch. Sometimes something gets messed up in manufacturing. Accidents happen. The point is that most companies are willing to replace that product. It's

@RawlsRorty: Yeah, you can get iOS4 on your 3G now, but why would you? It absolutely cripples the phone. I'm sticking with 3.whatever-i-have until my contract is up and I can ditch Apple and AT&T for good.

@olugbam: I also don't see any press from Motorla saying "The screen is perfect. Just don't look at it that way."

@lhoulden: It may be the only fault with the phone (although Apple's censorship seems to be a pretty big issue too), but really what the end result of this whole thing is that it's revealed a huge fault with Apple: dishonesty and disrespect of their customers.

@Guard: That's what I remember seeing too. Not sure what press conference Giz was watching. When exactly did they admit the issue? Was that when they were saying that all phones do it and showed a bunch of really iffy-looking tests to prove that it's just as bad on other phones as it is on theirs?